Redman Princess review

Apr 12, 2021
This manga is a personal reflection on the political state of the world from the author's point of view and reads as such. It is graphic, unapologetic, grotesque, and overall, a hidden masterpiece of our time.

The overall plot is sloppy. But for a personal, political outrage piece such as this, that raw stream of conscience approach is necessary and appropriate. The arc of the narrative transitions in a way that represents the author's frustration with the past as well as, concern for the future. It becomes sloppy and cartoonish towards the latter half because the author doesn't offer a concrete solution nor do i believe they intended to. As ridiculous as it becomes, it is a very sober and realistic approach to the state of the world throughout the entirety of its volumes. 10/10

The art is as good as any other popular manga, not intrinsically unique. That said, where art distinguishes itself, is in its fluctuation from accurate depictions of political figures, to caricatures almost seamlessly. When depicted, the gore is illustrated well enough to command a visceral reaction while supporting the hyperbole of the circumstance. 9/10

Whether they are metaphors or literal political persons, this artist feeds them a big bowl of shit. Women or characters remade as women are given the worst of this in the form of objectification, depicted sexual servitude, and sexual violence. Non-Japanese characters are basic, barely tolerable, racist or ignorant, caricatures. The reason this receives the lowest score is because it is a low hanging fruit/easy option that does not seem to meaningfully support the author's political stance. 5/10

I enjoyed this very much if only for the refreshing Japanese view of our global political environment. This author could've written an SAO or Goblin Slayer and made large amounts of profit but instead chose to voice their political opinions through art. A precious freedom that all of us should also indulge with the knowledge that the nature of politics is to stagnate until the people for which it is (in theory) designed, need and demand its change. 9/10



Redman Princess
Redman Princess
Autor Takatou, Rui