Kono Uchi de Kimi to review

Apr 05, 2021
Just a heads up, I've only read up to chapter 4 and I really don't even know if I'll continue this manga to the end even if it's such a short series. So I just had to write a review now or never.

I just have to say that overall, the entire story is pretty much predictable and an average shoujo manga. Girl forced into a situation with boy, situation makes possible relationship forbidden, girl goes through denial, girl attracts other equally perfect guy and is still oblivious, love triangle ensues...

There's really no spoilers here. I mean, you could seriously predict the next page every time. And the characters are just so...overused. I feel like I've seen half of the characters from Kimi ni Todoke...and then the main guy isn't that interesting at all either. The main girl...her only trait that separates her from the others is her optimism and loudness...which are pretty pathetic original traits, in my opinion. Or at least, the delivery of these traits in comparison to all the other characters in the manga was weak or overdone.

The art is wonderful, though, and the outfits are always different. It's refreshing to see the new hairstyles and all the different outfits, but the characters themselves are just so overrated and just not that original.

If you'd like to read something light and are fine with a typical shoujo to pass your time, then I'd definitely recommend it. But if you're looking for something original and fresh, then I suggest looking elsewhere. Or maybe go back to Kimi ni Todoke...


Kono Uchi de Kimi to
Kono Uchi de Kimi to
Autor Hazuki, Megumi