Roppongi Black Cross review

Apr 09, 2021
Well you have the MC who is introduced by the second chapter with a huge cross behind his back. He practices martial arts. A sad event takes place which leads to him to find out he was adopted. This is what triggers every other event that occurs in his life.

The only redeeming aspect of this manga in my opinion. The art is really clean. One of the best I've seen. Perfect the art, it is indeed (Master Yoda voice). Them sex scenes were censored though! THIS MEANS WAR!!!!

This is where things turn to shit real quick. Aside from the MC, only his boss at his new job gets any decent amount of backstory and relevant details on his character. I mean it, NO ONE ELSE in the story gets shit. So so bad. Damn!

I did enjoy the ride as much as it lasted. Some fight scenes and brutality here and there. You get to see how things could possibly be in real life entertainment business. The manga makes it realistic enough.

Man, overall I was excited about this manga and I was disappointed (with the ending). The pages of each chapter were too short, kinda annoyed me when I had to wait week in week out for at most 10 pages. I wished there was more action in the story though considering the MC's capabilities. You're left with the impression this was way too rushed. Too many things to have been resolved were not resolved, too many things weighed this manga down. Ah well, it's a decent read. Nothing great, just 'decent'. If things were done better, I'd have given it more than a 6.



Roppongi Black Cross
Roppongi Black Cross
Autor Yanagisawa, Kimio