Boku no Kanojo-sensei review

Apr 10, 2021
First of all i picked up this manga because there is a novel (yeah really!) so before reading a novel i decided to check manga and now i have my doubts....

Story 4/10

Well as you would expect it is a standard Rom-Com-Harem (harem being on weaker side since until chapter 21-22). Mal team forgot to put harem tag even though novel definitely had one and why is that important? Well Rom-Com-Harem mix is a known recipe - moronic MC, moronic hurdles and one dimensional girls who fall in love in MC for stupidest reasons.
Now for setting - it is set in High School where our male lead is in 2nd year (much wow much original) where he encounters his harem members that include perfect 3rd year president (you know those that regulate school rules), playful gravure idol, small sister, 5th grader (lolicon) and lastly teacher(presumably Main harem member). Also our ML has deep hatred against teachers for a very stupid reason like calling it stupid is an understatement.
What differs from others settings is that from chapter 1 everyone confesses to our ML but he sorta rejects them with the help of teacher(ML i think) and they profess their love to other members. Author made a fool out of me thinking that that dynamic will continue but no soon after we finally start to see heroine Arcs where MC somehow helps and resolves their problems (22ch 1 resolved) and even though he clearly stated he doesn't want a harem he starts to shift from his initial plans and becomes a standard ROM-COM-HAREM MC where his indecisiveness leads the story.
Almost forgot there is a lot of fanservice to the point i think we might find some hentai with the same author.

In short i think this is vanilla harem story where ML will go through every problem the girl has in ARCS and finally arriving to happy end.

Art 7/10

Possibly the only redeemable side of the manga. Characters are sexy (to the point of being distasteful) art could be easily be hentai characters are standard but drawn good nonetheless with good h-scenes, background was ok but a bit primitive with blanks in between. Panel placement and speech bubbles up to standard.

Characters 4/10

Male Lead - he has two sides first his present second his past. First the present boring, nothing special, problematic with teachers, indecisive(revealed in chapter 22-21 i was stupid to think that he would be something else). And has a severe case of amnesia (to the point of not remembering what happened last year) + with the mix of split personality. Has a cringe face whenever remembers his past self (meaning from last year and further down the history).
Now for the past a real teacher hater speaks against them constantly made some things to make harem members to fall in love with him but present self forgot everything (right until members had to tell him).
Female Lead(possibly) - Teacher, two faced due to having some hard past decided to be miss perfect but buried her real self, only shows her true self to MC because he saw through her. Kinda perverted, jealous and crazy while has also a lot of good qualities.
All other members will be called supports, well one dimensional soup of harem heroines with some authors outer layer i don't want to waste your time describing them because they are what you see at first with some past drama nevertheless they are standard harem members only we might not see tsundere (i might be wrong here i have my suspicions who will tsundere i.e. 6th member).

Enjoyment 4/10

I had my fill with "these" types of mangas/animes even in my teen years i considered them a bit annoying but since i was new to asian entertainment i was enjoying it for exotic feel.
Now of course annoyment meets anger while reading this factory type mangas a no brainer if i might say so, where you don't need any skills of writing the story you need only to draw something sleazy enough in order for blood to go down and hook a boy under charms of h-scenes and fetish fantasy.

Overall 5/10

Would i advice to read it well only if you're new to these types of genres or if you are a pubescent boy who wants to release some pent up energy or who wants to increase it other than that i would advice to stray away from this manga.

I will read a novel for experimentation reasons since reading sh*ty manga is one thing but reading a novel that created this manga is something i never done. Saddest part even though translated novel is almost finished or is finished reviewers read only up to 4volume and their reviews are not reliable but almost the same as mine which makes me worry that i will waste time on 9 volumes of sh*t.


Boku no Kanojo-sensei
Boku no Kanojo-sensei
Autor Kagami, Yuu