Yakusoku no Neverland review

Mar 31, 2021

If you want to read my opinion until ch.50 go on. If you want to read m opinion having finished it then go to the end of this review.

(Review up to ch.50)
To tell the truth I was captivated from the title of the manga. So we have three friends looking for a promised Neverland and a first chapter that blowed my mind so much and after a year the surprises don't stop.

Spoilers ahead!!!!! Unless you read the first chapter ;)

Story: When I saw the numbers on their necks I wondered if they were some sort of prisonners. But prisoners at an orphanage? No, that's because they are food and the people want to keep track of them. Yes, they are quality food for a demon clan and that's how this really good survival manga begins. It's full of horror, gore and despair in reasonable amounts to digest. In the start you just try to come to terms with the truth that Emma - one of the main cast - encounters, but YnN puts you immediately in the kids' shoes and makes you think and concider everything. "Who's a friend? Who's the enemy? What is our purpose of living?" Those questions drive the children to form a plan in order to escape that hellish excuse of an "orphanage". In the process they also learn that the outside world is not what is seemed. The plot is paced just right for everyone to catch up with the smallest detail, but in the same time its' unpredictability doesn't betray the mystery easy.

Art: I'm not an expert at all, but for me YnN has an incredible amount of detail in it's art. Every panel is designed in a way that gives only the mimimum amount of information to try and solve the mystery. I also love the bloody scenes, which are not too extravagant and convey the feeling of horror nicely.

Characters: The main trio is my favorite as of now. Emma, Norman and Ray have a good going dynamic and along with their suberb intelligence are the right MC's for the escape job. They also are a model as to what true friendship is. Everyone is nicely developed and that goes for Mama Minerva, our first villain. The other characters are getting their shine later on and if YnN continues like it does we'll have even more intesting things to see.

Enjoyment: I don't enjoy it. I love it. Yakusoku no Neverland is a real gem. It's twists never bore you. It's also a manga that makes you frightened of what's to come. If you give it a try you'll catch yourself hoping for the children to find hope above all.

I'll definitely edit the review and this is not a complete opinion on the manga (thus I'm putting a 9) but I'll be reading it till the end and trust me, it won't be a loss of your time if you decide to read it.

(Review after its' end)
It's a 7/10. The start was so damn good and up until the Goldy Pond arc, which is ch.95, things were happening. But after that the story lost some of its' shine. I don't feel it was rushed. I felt that the duo had no exact purpose of what to do about reaching the ending they envisioned and the ending was dissapointing.

One thing doesn't change though. It's a decent read and it has a small volume size. If you get into it you'll start with an amazing mystery, survival and psychological story, but you'll end up a bit dissapointed, cause some story parts could have been handled more skillfully.


Yakusoku no Neverland
Yakusoku no Neverland
Autor Demizu, Posuka