Yomeiro Choice review

Apr 05, 2021
The concept of someone going into the past, and telling about my future intrigues me. That is why I decided to pick this Yomeiro up. With that being said, and I found this unbearable.

Story: 6
At the beginning I had rather high hopes for this manga due to me being a fan of time travel. Sadly most of those hopes were crushed in the second chapter. I know this is a gag comic so I'm trying not to make this to serious, but I didn't really find it all that funny either. The most I got from it was one of those chuckles you get from hearing a claver, but bad pun. Also I felt the whole story was contradicting, though that's my time travel nerd speaking.

Art: 7
I am very picky when it comes to the art or any anime, or manga. With that being said I actually was rather found of the art. Except most of the art is mainly some kind of service shot. Not that service shots are bad, but quite a few of them involve the protaginist's future daughter, and him.

I'm being rather generous with this in my opinion. The protaginist is your average harem king who manages to get into a load of erotic situations, while the heroines are your average arc types, without depth. In it's defence this is a gag manga, so I wasn't really expecting some tragic backstory, though they're plenty of other gag manga who atleast give something to their characters.

I did for some reason continue to read this even though, I hated the protaginist, and his daughter.

It wasn't bad, if you ignore most of the pointless service shots, and lack of story, and character depth. I wouldn't recommend it to someone, unless I knew they liked the "humor" this manga had to offer, or was a fan of things with a lot of fanservice.


Yomeiro Choice
Yomeiro Choice
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