Apr 11, 2021
I actually didn’t like this one, it was just weird.

It’s a story about a mother and daughter who live under a constant spot light. Shouko’s mother is a famous actress and Shouko is her proud daughter. Their relationship takes a turn when the feeling of jealously is brought to the surface.

The character development was probably the only redeeming quality. Shouko, oh boy… thank god she seemed to mature at the end. Though she’s probably still the most shallow and vain character I’ve ever come across, she does find her own means of self-worth. Shouko’s mother ends up seeing her daughter as a woman when the stability of her own relationship with her boyfriend becomes rocky. Her higher status as a unique mature woman crumbles into the normal fears and reality of all humans. The mother and daughter fight like high school girls over this man who feels nothing for either of them. Shouko is bitter towards her mother for always being the center of attention and wants to feel superior by stealing her boyfriend. Her mother just seems like she needs to be in control.

Ujou’s character [the man they fight over] was the only one that seemed relatable to me .He’s an attractive guy who’s just become lost. He doesn’t give off any true feelings for anyone or anything. It isn’t until he loses something important to him that he begins to show any passion.

Shouko’s friend Miu has her own side story. I’m not sure what this characters point was other than to show Shouko’s lack of concern/awareness for her friends. From the beginning you can pretty much guess what’s going on with Miu and she’ll probably be the only character you’ll feel anything for.

Maybe it went over my head but I didn’t really get anything out of this manga. It left me dissatisfied and irritated by the majority of it.

Story: 6 [havent read anything like this before]
Art: 6 [weird at times]
Character: 7 [good]
Enjoyment: 4 [decent]
Overall: 6 [fair]


Autor Mizushiro Setona
Künstler Mizushiro Setona