BAKUMAN review

Apr 01, 2021
Gonna try my best to explain what i can as im not the best reviewer, basically if you have a dream of being a mangaka then read this manga! or watch the anime if you dont have time to read..? its a story of 2 students who team up to become mangaka, their goals change each time they met their last. there dream was to be published, then to have a running series, then have their series become animated. you meet all sorts of characters and see how the life of a mangaka is like. you will finally understand how hard it not only is to get published, but how stressful it is to keep up with weekly chapters as you might not take it is so thoughb it really is. you will learn how some writers or artists will go days with barely any food or sleep just to meet the deadline for the weeks chapter. it will really give you an appreciation for the manga you read.


Autor Ohba Tsugumi
Künstler Obata Takeshi