Kamisama no Iutoori 0 review

Apr 13, 2021
OK so t start off I'm going to be blunt i was very disappointed. I was expecting something great considering the fact that Kamisama no iutoori and Kamisama no iutoori 2 were so beutifully written. But what I ended up getting was just pathetic.

Story: 1/10 I don't believe there is much of a plot to the story. I mean really there is only so much characters can accomplish in four chapters. Everything moved so fast and nothing really interesting happened.

Art: 6/10 i guess the art was ok there wasn't anything good about as I have never really been a big fan of the art for this series.

Characters: 3/10 there was really no room for character development since the story was so short. There personalities were very meh and to be honest nothing outstanding.

Overall: 2/10 The story overall was very disappointing. I was expecting something much better and I would not recommend this series to anyone.


Kamisama no Iutoori 0
Kamisama no Iutoori 0
Autor Kaneshiro, Muneyuki