JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 1: Phantom Blood review

Apr 04, 2021
From the starting point that is JoJo, while this part isn't large (and is divided into a couple books) I still like Phantom Blood, out of both the anime and the manga I actually do prefer the manga more than the anime, while the fights (such as Bruford, Dio at the mansion, Jonathon vs. Jack the Ripper, DIO's Castle fight, etc) I feel were equally as good animated and drawn, the storytelling in the manga is a lot better than the anime, as the anime has issues with the pacing and with the character's age and even sometimes the anime doesn't really go chronologically or leaves out small bits of the story. Overall, for the start of this manga series, I have to say Araki had pulled this off better than I would ever think, out of all of the 5 JoJo Parts animated and the 8 written Phantom blood still has one of my favorites because of how memorable the characters are.

TL;DR: One of my favorite JoJo Parts despite how short it is.
