Aishite Kudasai, Sensei

Alternativen: Synonyms: Please Love Me, Sensei
Japanese: 愛してください、先生
Autor: Kurumatani, Haruko
Art: Manga
Bände: 1
Kapitel: 2
Status: Finished
Veröffentlichen: 2021-03-06 to ?


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(8 Stimmen)
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Alternativen: Synonyms: Please Love Me, Sensei
Japanese: 愛してください、先生
Autor: Kurumatani, Haruko
Art: Manga
Bände: 1
Kapitel: 2
Status: Finished
Veröffentlichen: 2021-03-06 to ?
8 Stimmen
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Kitou Hijiri, a student, confessed his feelings to a Chemistry teacher named Nakatani Ayano whom he had fallen in love with 8 years ago. Somehow when he was young, he lived beside Ayano and bear feelings for her. Ayano, in turn, could not resist Hijiri’s determination and strong feelings towards her. What will be the ending of their taboo love?
(Source: Midnight Scans)
Aishite Kudasai, Sensei review
Apr 12, 2021
This is a re-edit as my original I was not satisfied with. Ok let make this clear! when I first read this, I really enjoy it as I thought its a different take that I never seen. But to make sure I re-read this like 30 times and my conclusion is that its really wrong.

The plot well I thought it was good the first time I read it. Its about Ayano who is in total shock that Hijiri, one of her students is the same person who she hang out when she was a teen and he was a kid at the time. Now I thought it was a great set up but with only two chapters, you better have a good story in that set amount. But it wasn't develop as well and we don't get much back story about the two leads. And now that I think about, when I read this I thought its was a horror story because the love is really creepy then romantic. For story well I give this a 1 and it was almost close to zero if weren't for the fact that it will keep you reading.

The art is really this manga's strong point here. Every thing is very detail and looks good for shojo standards. The characters are also looks very pretty so in conclusion the art is great.

The characters are by far the worst part of this. Hijiri is a complete nutcase as I don't see how Ayano could like him. He force his love on her and she starts to fall for him!? Ayano while strong in the Beginning, she gets weak at the end which really piss me off. If the manga author is going to make those two fall for each other then give us reason. What would of been nice is to know more about Hijiri as I really wanted to know how he got insane. Is it because of his love for her, is it because of his parents abuse him, is it because of a tragic accident? But nope we don't get it which leaves lot of questions and leads to a unsatisfied ending. So characters I give it a 2 because at least they will try to entertain you.

I'm not gonna recommend this as its pretty dreadful. My enjoyment drop after every re-read of this all the way down to a 1. I think this could been better if it have more chapters to tell us more about the characters. So if you gonna read this, good luck then.

Aishite Kudasai, Sensei review
Apr 12, 2021
The story is actually pretty interesting if you read it in a particular way. It is definitely not your average shoujo romance.

You know how you get creeped out by Hannibal Lecter and it's kind of awesome? That's the way you need to approach Creepy Yandere Stalker-kun (my name for the "love interest", "Stalker-kun" for short). It's so absurd just how creepy someone can be. It's even more absurd that he's supposedly popular in school even when he gets all creepy *at school in broad daylight* seemingly without concern for whoever sees him (not that any students or teachers are shown except for the plot relevant ones).

Anyways, reading this manga is an "experience" that can be moderately enjoyable if you approach it the right way. My only real complaint is the ending which made no sense at all. I mean, MC-chan disturbingly developing emotions for that boy she once knew in his childhood (in spite of his overwhelming creepy yandere stalkerness) is believable (seeing as how Stockholm syndrome exists in real life), but the way she resolves her feelings for him at the very end is just baffling.

This manga is seriously fucked up. And strangely, that's actually what made it interesting. If it had ended differently (perhaps if MC-chan had turned Creepy Yandere Stalker-kun down one last time with Stalker-kun either going axe crazy or full creepy stalker always-watching-in-the-shadows mode at the very end), I probably would have given this manga a 6. With the ending as it is, I think a 4 is appropriate.

p.s. The genres used for this manga should change in some way. It's technically "shoujo" (I guess) and it's arguably "romance" (in a really fucked up sort of way), but it's deserving of at least one more tag to attract the right crowd for this type of story. I don't know if this is "psychological" per se, but it's definitely psycho.