Double Arts

Alternativen: Synonyms: Island
Japanese: ダブルアーツ
Autor: Komi, Naoshi
Art: Manga
Bände: 3
Kapitel: 24
Status: Finished
Veröffentlichen: 2008-03-24 to 2008-09-08
Serialisierung: Shounen Jump (Weekly)


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(13 Stimmen)
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Alternativen: Synonyms: Island
Japanese: ダブルアーツ
Autor: Komi, Naoshi
Art: Manga
Bände: 3
Kapitel: 24
Status: Finished
Veröffentlichen: 2008-03-24 to 2008-09-08
Serialisierung: Shounen Jump (Weekly)
13 Stimmen
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A boy and a girl are forced to join hands for all eternity!? In a land ravaged by an epidemic known as "Troy," the only people with healing arts capable of stopping the seizures caused by the disease are the Sisters. Although they have a high resistance to the disease, they are searching for a person who is truly immune, if they exist, so that they can find a cure. The main character is Sister Elraine, one of the Sisters who becomes infected with Troy. But, when she touches Kiri, a seemingly ordinary boy, her seizures stop. Could he be the one!?

(Source: MU)

Included one-shot:
Volume 1: Island
Bewertungen (13)
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Double Arts review
Apr 03, 2021
Mod Note: This is a review for the one-shot, "Island", now included in the Double Arts entry.

Island, being a one-shot manga, is a very short read. But in spite of how short it is, the story gets everything it wants and needs to out there, and then wraps it up nice and neatly. The characters and story are fantastic and heartwarming, everything being developed very well and smoothly over a simple 45 pages.

The story starts with two young girls, both of whom are unique, and quite fun to read. They live on a stretch of land that is guarded from the outside world by a large, towering wall. Their dreams and goals are to one day scale the wall and leave their small village behind. One of the girls, a very scholarly type, is the only one on the island that's left who can read, being that the population is so small and that the group of people have been cut off from the rest of the world for hundreds of years.

She speaks of many things outside the large walls that protects them, and thus fires both of their dreams to new levels, as they have nothing like what's spoken of in the books inside their small circle of land.

What lays outside the walls, however, is a mystery. Once revealed, the short manga continues to go on being just as heartwarming as it had started out as being, leaving you with a sense of questioning what happens to the two girls, and the villagers within the walls. It leaves you satisfied, however, and content with how the story was told.

Two young girls, in contrast to the many older residents of the town, become amazingly motivational and enthralling. They give inspiration, and hope, to the other villagers. Everyone has a dream, everyone has a wish or goal. It's heartbreaking to have those dreams, hopes, and wishes crushed.

It was cute, and amusing to see what happens, when an idea that you can regain those hopes and dreams, comes back, sparked by young girls with a large imagination and the youngest girls desires and knowledge, that there could just be something more, there might be a chance. .

Wrapping up this review. The art was interesting and cute, it went along with the female characters quite well, and did a very good job with scenery and landscape. Though minimal in some places, this being a one-shot, and the type of story that it was, it felt fine and flowed quite smoothly, though was nothing too special.

As this is a very quick read, if you have twenty-minutes or so to spare, you should most definitely read this manga ( if you haven't already ).
Double Arts review
Apr 03, 2021
Double Arts
Mangaka: Naoshi Komi
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy
Length: 23 Chapters, due to Cancellation
Rating: 7/10 [Would be higher if it was longer ...]

Plot: The world has been plagued with a deadly sickness, Troi, for 700 years. The Sisters are the only ones who can treat it – women who have a high immunity for the sickness, they absorb some of the poison from the patient, prolonging their lives. However, in return, eventually they will succumb to it too.

This fate is happening to Elraine, who after treating a patient, starts having the seizures that are unique to the disease. She is saved by Kili, a young boy who was able to stop the seizures by grabbing her hand. While the Sisters all have high resistance to the disease, Kili is the one they've been searching for – the one person in the world who is fully immune to it.

After realizing this fact, Kili and Ellie go to travel to the Church's headquarters, so that Kili can be studied for a cure. However, the assassin's organization, Gazelle, is hot on their trail ...

Analysis: If you ask me, this is a totally awesome manga. Unfortunately, it was canceled after 12 chapters, which made me pissed when I found out. This manga probably would have been about 150+ chapters, with the way that it was developing [Yes, I'm so totally awesome I can predict the lengths of mangas]. Because of the short length, there are a lot of open threads left at the end of it, which is rather annoying.

The idea for this manga is interesting. I've never seen one like it. A sickness that infects everyone it touches, with a certain group of people that can heal it temporarily? It sounds really cool [not that I'd want to have it ... but you get what I mean]. Its one of the most original things I've heard [Well ... Read ... but you get my point].

The name Double Arts [which i feel is why the manga was canceled .. would you honestly read something called like that? I read it through my random search ...] comes around in one of the last chapters. Because Kili and Ellie have to constantly remain in contact with each other, they require a new way of fighting. Martial arts is the way of fighting for one person – Double arts, therefor would be for two.

This manga also has pieces of comedy built into it. How can you not, when two people have to remain in contact ... for every waking [and sleeping] moment of the day?

The fights are also well done, although not on the epic proportion. It has the ability to do that however, and it would have undoubtedly done so as the manga increased in length [like I said ... I can predict the lengths of manga. This is one of the ways to do so – if the fights in the beginning are short, and serve to show part of a character's skills, there will be without a doubt a point later in the series where the fights are much much longer and more exiting].

Character Summary:

Elrain Figarte: One of the most widely known sisters, she has cured many patients over her short lifetime, only to succumb to Troi at age 18 [or so]. After discovering Kili, she is forced to stay with him for practically forever. She is a very kind person, and her entire life is dedicated to helping others, even at the cost of her own life [in more ways than succumbing to Troi]. However, she is a very bright and happy girl, if a bit innocent.

Kili Luchile: He is a man of many talents, only one of which is complete immunality [I don't think thats a word] to Troi. His other ability is that of Flare, in which by joining hands with another person, they share strength – in other words, if five people were all touching, then each of them would have the strength of five people. He was taught how to fight by Sui, and is by nature a very artistic [if immature] person. He can carve anything extremely fast and to extraordinary detail. He has a very strong moral code, and hates other people getting hurt. He also has a sunny disposition towards life.

Sui: A pure blooded Nagin, a warrior race, she loves to fight. She would fight anyone to show that she's stronger, and she never loses. She is also a playgirl, and dates many men at once, constantly fooling with their emotions. She's even dated Kili thrice, dumping him each time [which is very funny to watch]. Her weapon is, surprisingly, a metal hula-hoop. However, even with her strength and her playgirl mentality, she is a very immature person, who loves taking risks just to see other people's reactions.

Fallan Denzel: A genius fighter, he is the one to teach Kili and Ellie how to fight. He knows all of the martial art styles in the world, even though he is a teenager [about 19 years old I think]. He has taught many an apprentice, each of them learning a different style. He is feared by many, and there are a great many rumors about his feats. However, he only fights for himself, never to protect others [which, quite frankly, is unique. I have never read another manga character who does so – most of the time, they fight to protect SOMEONE].

The rest of the characters, as important as they might become, I cannot tell you ... because its CANCELED!!! [And I'm still very sad about that ...]

review taken from animeruwelz, check out my profile for more details
Double Arts review
Apr 03, 2021
Mod Note: This is a review for the one-shot, "Island", now included in the Double Arts entry.


First of all this manga is a wonderful example of hope. It's also irony in itself. It, for me, was a refreshing new veiw of the very concept of hope. It was new and nothing about it was dull. In a fictional sense, extremely realistic. People can understand that over it over and it's hard to come to that facture. But when you try and take a good look around you, realize that as long as were on this earth, yes there is. I smiled real large when the two girls held hands and walked across the water. (Which was about a couple inches deep) For that was like the realization. Naoshi is a very VERY refreshing artist, he illustrates things that really just get to me. Both characters spark opposite personalities that in such ways pertaining to her dreams are so much alike, dropping those diffrences and creating a whimsical, yet heartwarming bond. Marue, having known before Aria, yet still going on like there was something left was something else.

Think of it this way; Marue was the seeing hope. Maybe a bit dim, but something was there, difidentally. Aria was the aspiring hope. Blind to the truth....but it really didn't matter. The townspeople were the doubts. Living on and basically waiting to die...simple and careless. The water was like the false realization, drowning the truth. The walls were like the lies; hiding the hope. And of course; the ground was the truth. Maybe still covered with water and sealed off by the walls and sinking under the water...but there all the same. And when Marue and Aria saw that....Then it al came together. ;)

Thats what I saw. It was beautiful and the fact that it was all snug into a oneshot proved amazing talent.
Double Arts review
Apr 03, 2021
The series is about a girl who goes around healing people with a disease that makes them transparent till they disappear. However what they are basically doing is converting their disease and giving it to themselves. The reason they can do that is that they have a naturally strong immunity to it. However doing it after a considerable amount of time does take its toll eventually. This disease can also spread to anybody that touches you skin to skin. So touching via clothes has no effect. So when a random boy (MMC) touches the FMC and is not only not affected but also halts the virus she had to take him back to headquarters. Of course one problem. He has to be constantly touching her otherwise the disease will immediately spread, killing her.

Im actually legitimately impressed by this manga originally. The manga starts great. Creating this setup and putting our main characters in a hilarious situation. It bring some legitimate funny moments to the point i was actually taken aback by this manga. The main cast as well was fantastic, the villains also brought a sense of danger and excitement to the stage. The series was cliche but not in a bad way. The author knew what he was making and executed them, to my surprise, really well. It wasn't like a masterpiece or anything but it was really enjoyable to read.

One of the characters especially was badass. The first big villain that shows up as well as the first mentor that shows up. Both of these characters carry such an enormous presence it was amazing.

Sadly though this manga was axed and with no closure whatsoever. The series basically ends with the adventure starts NOW. but it doesn;t.

TLDR: Quite sad. Good start wanted to see more but axe stopped any chance of that happening. Sadly i have to rate manga based on entire series and despite the axe, since this is such a short read i think it'll be a comfortable time killer if nothing else. 6/10