Girl in Heels

Alternativen: English: Girl in Heels
Synonyms: The Girl in Heels, The Girl Who Wears High Heels
Japanese: 하이힐을 신은 소녀
Autor: Chon, Kye Young
Art: Manga
Bände: 14
Status: Finished
Veröffentlichen: 2021-03-06 to ?
Serialisierung: Wink


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(9 Stimmen)
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Alternativen: English: Girl in Heels
Synonyms: The Girl in Heels, The Girl Who Wears High Heels
Japanese: 하이힐을 신은 소녀
Autor: Chon, Kye Young
Art: Manga
Bände: 14
Status: Finished
Veröffentlichen: 2021-03-06 to ?
Serialisierung: Wink
9 Stimmen
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Suppose you were so beautiful that people mistook you for a superstar, a model. So beautiful that strangers went out of their way to catch a glimpse of you and shopkeepers offered you things freely. Kyung-hee Goh is that girl. Trapped by the feelings she evokes in other people, she steers through life alone. Boys are either too intimidated to approach her or think she should reward their compliments with her attention. Then she catches the attention of the baddest boy in the school. And that's when the battle really starts...

(Source: Entropy)
Girl in Heels review
Apr 05, 2021
You know I started this Manhwa after reading the awesome summary, and I was like 'yeah! Let the fun begin!' but as the story continued, I started thinking ‘is this really why I came to read Girl in Heels?’ For a crazy obsessed sister, cheesy delinquent-turned-misunderstood-saint and the forever-gorgeous girl?

Where is the action?
Are there even any twists?
Why isn't there any suspense?

Goh, Kyung-Hee is our diva protagonist who is mistaken for a model (ofcourse) and people literally stop on the streets to stare at her (What world are we living in? Brake your cars, people, forget about those traffic lights; let’s stop and stare at Goh, Kyung-Hee. Because we have nothing better to do apparently. {I'm not happy, author}). So she goes and buys herself a pair of high heels from a shop called: no, go on, guess!

Girl in Heels!

Oh, the creativity!
But the creative flow of wonder doesn't stop there, no sirree, Bob. Meet protagonist #2, Yang, Ookil; he's a rich (surprise, surprise) bad boy (and the creativity keeps flowin') who's got ISSUES (where have we heard that before? Oh right, every OTHER story that has absolutely anything to do with gangs), he's heard of Miss Universe and wants to nab her for himself.

I have to talk about the art because... It's just disturbs mine eyes! (Who said Medieval English is dead?) The 3D effect is a no-go for all you illustrators out there. I was never really a fan but this just gets the cake. It didn't even make sense, she had THORNS for eyelashes. Hello! Creature from a different planet!
Details? In your thorny dreams, and add proportion to that list of things that aren't included when you buy/read this story.

This a definite shallow read, you get no new boundaries explored, no new topics introduced not much logic either. To all you angry fans who will no doubt dislike my review, I don't TRY to pick on the story, honestly, this is just what comes to mind.

For those people who want to give their brains, logic and any other kind of mental equipment a break (which I don't encourage); tread carefully.

But you can find better reads for that even.

Bonus lesson of the day: BEWARE of too-good-to-be-true summaries; they’ll be the death of you.
Girl in Heels review
Apr 05, 2021
Addictively Violent

The stereotypical manga heroine is completely reimagined in this stunningly gorgeous manhwa by Chun Kye Young. The main character, Kyung-hee Goh is not your damsel in distress and she isn’t your ‘determined strong-willed girl’ either. She is very apathetic, which is unusual for a female lead in mangas. Her actions throughout the story are very different compared to other shoujo manga heroines. For example, if she is being beat up by a guy, she will take the hits and stay completely silent as opposed to crying for help or fighting back. Is this the smart way of handling these types of situations? You be the judge when you read the book.
Girl in Heels is beautifully drawn as well. The atmosphere that this manhwa gives off to the viewer is very sinister and almost surreal. I’ve never seen this style of art before, which says a lot. The characters are graphic (digital), and sometimes depicted at strange angles. Sometimes you feel as though your playing a video game because of the 3-d quality this manhwa gives off. Chun Kye Young also distinguishes each one of her characters very well, making all of the people look unique and different. She definitely is not afraid of making people seem ugly or old.
But beware though; this manhwa does tend to get violent. Some people on forums have called it ‘sick’ because of some of the issues it deals with - guys beating up girls, etc. But if you can stomach it, this is probably one of the most unique shoujo romance stories you’ll ever read.