Threads of Time

Alternativen: English: Threads of Time
Synonyms: Sal rye tap, Sal-Le-Top
Japanese: 살례탑
Autor: Mi, Young Noh
Art: Manga
Bände: 11
Kapitel: 46
Status: Finished
Veröffentlichen: 1999-12-07 to 2003-09-04
Serialisierung: JuniorChamp


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(6 Stimmen)
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Alternativen: English: Threads of Time
Synonyms: Sal rye tap, Sal-Le-Top
Japanese: 살례탑
Autor: Mi, Young Noh
Art: Manga
Bände: 11
Kapitel: 46
Status: Finished
Veröffentlichen: 1999-12-07 to 2003-09-04
Serialisierung: JuniorChamp
6 Stimmen
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High school student Moon Bin Lee has difficulty sleeping due to a recurring nightmare: he's stranded over a thousand years in the past chasing a dark-haired girl into a deep abyss.

Before long, the nightmare overwhelms him, and he is unable to tell whether he is Moon Bin, a Seoul teenager at the end of the second Millennium, or Sa Kyoung Kim, the son of a prominent warrior family in the middle of the first Millennium. People in his present-day life assume roles in his historical life as he struggles to learn exactly who he is and what he's expected to do, straddling a transmigratory portal through time and space.
In the present, his school's kendo club battles to stay in the championships...but in the past, Moon Bin finds himself at the threshold of a territorial dispute on the plains of Mongolia ...

(Source: Tokyopop)
Threads of Time review
Apr 03, 2021
I wasn’t too sure about the series when I first picked it up, and at first it was a bit boring. But, the story is actually quite enjoyable and original for a time travel story.

Story: As I said before, the story is original for a time travel plot. It takes awhile to get into it, but once you do it’s simply amazing. I’m pretty sure that most of the history is actuate in the story, save for a few things which are mentioned in the last book. The whole plot is a rich tapestry of excitement and sorrow, but always pulling you along with the characters and allowing you to understand just what there are going through. It has been said of many series that they can make you feel as if you are part of the story. While the story is spectacular, Threads of Time is just not one of those books. Instead of standing beside the characters during their struggles, it seems as if their emotions are more emphasized and therefore you feel more for these characters than many other stories.

Art: The art in Threads of Time starts out like many series. The author is not yet use to drawing the characters in their settings and plot, but it gradually becomes better as the author gains more experience with the characters. I’m not saying the art in Threads is bad, not by a long shot, and thankfully it doesn’t change too drastically throughout the story so that the characters look completely different at the end than what they did at the beginning. It’s very wonderful, but the beginning could be better, especially the parts set in modern Korea.

Character: The character development and their relationships with one another in this story is absolutely phenomenal. You end up feeling amazingly close to at least one character because their personalities are so well defined, even the ones that don’t stick around for very long. The best thing about this series is its characters. They are just so wonderful that I really can’t say more than that.

Enjoyment: Once you get through all the necessities at the beginning the series is wonderful. If you’re into action and/or romance then you’ll love this series. That’s another good point of Threads. Even if you don’t like action, you can still enjoy it because of the romance, and vis versa. It’s an incredible series. I think I’ve reread it about four times now and I’m still enjoying it.

Overall the series is an undiscovered gem. It’s sad that not many people seem to even know it exist but that’s how it is with many of the best manga unfortunately. This is one of the few series I have given a 10, just because it is so deeply moving and was able to affect me in such a monumental way.
Threads of Time review
Apr 03, 2021
In Threads of Time [the title sure is giving off a bit of mysteriousness), we find our dear old friend Kim Moon Bin the delinquent (VERY original character, right?) who has money (the originality flow just keeps coming) and distant, uncaring parents (we've almost hit jackpot with the originality here). So he's a chain smoker (great influence on readers) and loves chillin' wit his homies, he also does KENDO!

*Ding, ding, ding!

We've got ourselves a winner for ORIGINALITY!


.............Not happening, buddy.

So back to our yarn (I'm sorry, I couldn't stop myself), chain-smoker-buddy is under a weird witch-thing...'s, a scary ghost or whatever, is haunting him and the creepy thing troubles his dreams which turn into NIGHTMARES!!!!!!!! AHHHHH!

Honestly, I felt sorry for him there cuz I know how nightmares can get and I bet you had your share of those too.

So anyways, this witch-ghost-thing... Uses violent means to bring him to Ancient Korea (UNITED for once) where he lives with another family who believe he is their son. And here is when the trouble begins.

Story-wise, this Manhwa was, surprisingly, entertaining.

I know, I was surprised too.

The plot developed, moved on and didn't lag too much; in fact, I would have extended a couple of the scenes but I'm quite happy with the way it is because I'm not that rookie-ish to believe that extending makes the story better. In fact, it could strangle it to death.

Speaking of death, here is the Ideologies and Themes paragraph {I promise, I'll try and be concise}.

The thing that bugged me for a while was when reality seemed to merge with illusions in the story; it wasn't quite my cup of tea since this reminded me of Monarch slaves. I was like, is this reality or is THIS reality? Secondly, there was some bloodshed... Okay, not some, but a solid amount of bloodshed which was made below-R-ratings by the very lukewarm art. The other one of the bigger ideas was the let's-make-sure-every-girl-woman-and-female-baby-gets-raped-or-better-yet-gang-raped idea, which wasn’t the most comfortable thing to read through, but the Manhwa isn't one of the worst themed stories.

*Looks at above paragraph

There, that isn't too bad.

Coming to the characters, some were really unoriginal while others were alright. There was not much exploration through personalities and ideas but then again, the story wasn't very detailed in that way.

The art was:
a) Almost constantly simple
b) Not shaded as much as I would have liked
c) Filled with those creepy weird big eyes
d) Occasionally seen to have details.

Overall, the story was moving if nothing else and thought-provoking which earns it big points. Even though the quality wasn't the best; after finishing the tale, you'll find that there is an aftertaste inviting reflection and questions bouncing in your head. The story encourages perspective to be used in life and will definitely have you enjoy yourself at bare minimum.

For you geniuses out there, that means read the Manhwa!
Which in turn means that Maz-Maz doesn't give it a thumbs-down: VICTORY!
Threads of Time review
Apr 03, 2021
Nightmares are one of the most unpleasant experiences one can have while asleep. But what these dreams, visions of a thousand years ago, abruptly becomes a reality? Suddenly being transported back in time is a common topic in fantastical settings, and Threads of Time is no exception. It is a manhwa that conveys a great, albeit stereotypical message about human life, or rather, exploration of oneself. While it certainly was a very enjoyable read, it does have some issues, in the execution as well as narrative of the story.

The story revolves around a rich and delinquent student by the name of Moon Bin Lee who consistently dreams about the past, chasing a dark-haired girl into the abyss. Soon enough, he is overwhelmed and abruptly finds himself as Sa Kyoung Kim, son of a prominent warrior family in Mongolia. Furthermore, the very people he now lives with, are physically almost identical of his present day life. Not to mention that it is in a period of territorial conflicts, involving the protagonist in the battles that happened admist the crisis. Luckily for him, he is very skilled in kendo, a useful ability in such times - naturally. The various battles that actually take place are interesting, but it must be mentioned that it can get a bit too excessive in violence; regardless, war is not the main focus of the manga.

The manhwa starts out strong, conveying the setting as well as the main cast of characters appropriately; it maintains a steady and logical progress through the difficulties he experiences in his current position as a modernized teenager. However, there is a problem that emerges as the story progresses: the smooth and logical narrative gets lost, and in turn readers see an increased pacing which results in various conflicts either lacking in execution, or in coherency: in other words, it creates a rushed feeling. It also has some interesting display of what the teenager is experiencing, lightly touching upon what is to come through the art and dialogue presented. Still, some of said scenes were arguably wrongly placed, interrupting the story, rather than enhancing it. In addition, when not read carefully, it created the illusion of him being transported back and forth in time, when that was actually not the case.

Threads of Time is primarily a character driven story, and mainly focuses on three characters, one being the teenager, and the other two being of the Mongolian camp, the General Sali Tayi and the granddaughter of the Khan, Atan Hadas. Kim Moon Bin is quite a generic character at first: rich, spoiled with a broken family relationship, and on top of that a delinquent. Nevertheless, readers observe the gradual changes the protagonist experiences through the environment and supporting cast: the fact that he finds himself in constant struggle in such a foreign environment is good to see, as opposed to other works where the characters adapt abruptly to the new environment.

The other two characters play an important role in developing both themselves, as well as the protagonist, Atan Hadas being the most noteworthy one. She is a smart and a strong, independent woman who strived to be a warrior, yet was accepted as a commander through carious circumstances - learning the ways of war, as well as realizing whom she loves, moves this character forward. This could not really be said about Sali Tayi, who is primarily a villain, yet his motives are rather weak for the atrocities he commits. Fleshing out of said character is observed.

Concerning the art style of the manhwa, it is as a whole well done, with some clear discrepancies in the begging: it is clear that some of the character models, as well as their expression vary a bit too much. This improved over time, together with some backgrounds, which were detailed in most cases. There were here and there some panels with either a lot background detail, while others were simply done.

Threads of Time was overall a very enjoyable read, yet suffered from a number of issues that sadly hindered the immersion in the story quite a bit, as well as feeling rushed. It must be noted that although it has some minor warfare, it is not the likes of similar manga such as Kingdom or the Ravges of Time. However, through the narrative and its characters, the message contained within is certainly worth the read on that basis alone.

Thank you for reading.
Threads of Time review
Apr 03, 2021
| Manhwa Recommendation and Review |

Manhwa - Threads of Time
genre - Action/adventure, historical, fantasy, supernatural, psychological.
Author - Noh Mi-young

Plot - High school student Moon Bin Lee has difficulty sleeping due to a recurring nightmare: he's stranded over a thousand years in the past chasing a dark-haired girl into a deep abyss.

Before long, the nightmare overwhelms him, and he is unable to tell whether he is Moon Bin, a Seoul teenager at the end of the second Millennium, or Sa Kyoung Kim, the son of a prominent warrior family in the middle of the first Millennium. People in his present-day life assume roles in his historical life as he struggles to learn exactly who he is and what he's expected to do, straddling a transmigratory portal through time and space.
In the present, his school's kendo club battles to stay in the championships...but in the past, Moon Bin finds himself at the threshold of a territorial dispute on the plains of Mongolia ...

What happens when reality and fantasy gets mixed up in your daily life? What will you do when you time travel to past? how will you feel when all is caused by supernatural ghost? scaring the shit out of you.This all is experienced by Moon Bin Kim, the main protagonist of the Manhwa 'Threads of time'. I prefer to call the manhwa, a golden discovery. The story and concept both are exquisite and unique.

Story 9.5/10 - The storyline is really great and keeps you entertained till the end. The script written by the author is like a script by famous writers, yet this manhwa is underrated.Each arc makes you crave for next chapter. The story being psychological, the wall between the reality and fantasy's collision is well presented.Using the historical facts, the author has created a phenomenal fiction. Most of the history taken is accurate and using the facts the author delivered perfect harmony and plot to the story.

Art 7.5/10 - I would say the art is simply amazing.The drawing style the author has a very mature feeling, like a seinen manga. The art style gets better and better after each chapter.The Art of both the modern era and koryo-mongol war era have been illustrated perfectly,as it feels we are in the same era and same place.

Concept 9/10 - The concept taken is rich and unique. The mind-bending moment during the reality-break was awesome. Also using the historical facts, rearranging some sequence to add fictional to it, the very concept of it, made it very interesting.There is more to it and bit of surprises so i won't spoil it.

Characters 7/10 - The characterization in the manhwa is what you can find very interesting.I am not sure if the characters are Real or fictional, what i can say is the development of the characters is good.though i will only criticize that i couldnt completely understand sali tayi.There should have been a bit more character development.The character of Moon Bin Kim was perfect, and i did understand his personality.

Overall i give this manhwa 8/10. I definately recommend you to read this. This manhwa is contains drama,tragedy,blood,war,psychological,mind-bending,historical and full with action in about 46 chapters i.e 11 volumes.