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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 7: Steel Ball Run
Akira review
Apr 14, 2021
Akira review
I don't think I have ever written a review on something I quite liked as much as this, so this right now seems kind of unusual for me, but yeah, Akira the manga is excellent.

I had already watched the movie previously and loved it. It was an aesthetic masterpiece, however as far as story goes, it just felt too rushed and like it's skipping larger chunks of important information. Even if it ultimately raised interesting questions about society and technological development, it still felt like something was missing.

Now that I have finally gotten around reading the manga, I have to say, that even that problem is eliminated for me.

The story initially focuses around a group of juvenile delinquents, who happen to stumble upon a shriveled-up-vegetable-kid with psychic powers, while minding their own business, speeding with their motorcycles on the Neo Tokyo highway. One accident later all hell starts breaking loose.

The plot as it progresses is great. It starts by painting a society with loose morals; authorities are violent, kids get involved in all sorts of trouble (our real-life parents would be getting panic attacks for) and street gangs are running rampant. Throw in some politics, secret organizations and psychic powers, mix 'em up with interesting sci-fi ideas and post-world war II anxieties of the Japanese and you have yourself a tasty mixture to serve as the basis of a story unlike anything back in 1982 - as well as today.

The characters in Akira are good enough. I have found criticism of them not being developed too much and that's fair enough, but honestly I don't think Akira needed that. Yes, you might not like Kaneda, who is technically a morally more ambigious shounen main character, happy-go-lucky and way too brave for what he is doing, as well as an a**hole to boot, Kei is also kinda bland and while the colonel may grow likable for being a man of principle, who does his best to get sh*t done and Chiyoko is a bazooka wielding and tank driving war-machine, the closest thing to a relatable character will probably be Tetsuo, a crazy f**k, who develops godlike powers and holds Neo Tokyo in his palm with his rule of terror - the source of his relatability being the various psychological implications we get, an obvious oedipal complex, as well as his appearent ambitions. But none of that really matters, too much to me, cause - as I've already pointed out - the world building brilliantly makes up for it with portraying a general psychological mentality of the surroundings of Neo Tokyo, that makes the world come to life, even if I wouldn't want to go for a beer with any of the characters.

Aesthetically, it's also great. Sure Tetsuo looks like he is on one of those "who can make his face smallest?"-challenges and one or two characters look too much alike, but then again, all of them always seem really dynamic and never too stiff, the machinery presented has excellent designs and the backgrounds always look detailed and pleasing to the eye, which you grow to appreciate especially when Otomo starts sh*tting out pages upon pages of devastation and explosions.

So all things considered, I think it's only fair, I give this the best rating.
Tongari Boushi no Kitchen
Saitama Chainsaw Shoujo
Saitama Chainsaw Shoujo
Saitama Chainsaw Shoujo
Saitama Chainsaw Shoujo review
Saitama Chainsaw Shoujo
Apr 12, 2021
Saitama Chainsaw Shoujo review
Interesting manga.
This is a very surreal manga, right from the start, with a psychic friend telling the main character (Fumio) they were linked to the past. This part was not properly explained.

Gore, horror, tons of unexplained stuff, action scenes similar to Highschool of the Dead (beginning few chapters, remember?).

The story started off weird, with a psychic friend. Then a transfer student came and something strange happened with Fumio's bf. Then The psychic friend (Kaoruko) foretold that something was weird with the transfer student. Then Kaoruko became strange as well. Lol.

What was surprising too was the decision to cut down her bf in school. Lol. With a chainsaw. Not to mention it being quirky, it's extremely noticeable. Then the ppl at school act strange too and approach her, cut down etc etc.

The ending was perhaps the most confusing. Not only was stuff she did resolved (WOOT! She didn't really commit a crime! LOL.), it turned into some sci-fi alien abduction and the girl seems to have found her destiny. It was originally a love-bf-turned-hate-turned-violent story before the ending part in chapter 6. But strangely, the ending seemed to be partially fitting with Kaoruko's predictions about the transfer student.

Action scenes were sorta messy, with the blood everywhere. Impressive bloody scenes with a lot of impact, btu would be better if the people been killed had acted a bit more unwilling to rest in peace. Lol.

Some scenes were un-understandable.

Possibly one of the most confusing character cast in history.
Kaoruko apparently has a "higher voice" coming to her, and Fumio and her uses radio waves to search for them. Lol. I would think it is psychic ability. Not explained.
Fumio was strange, at first she seems mild, but after she lost her friend and bf she turned very "martial", very atheletic lol. Using a chainsaw requires a lot of strength and stamina, didn't think she looked like it.
The transfer student, apparently an alien or something, is totally mysterious. She has multiple abilities, all unexplained.

In short, the characters were all very strange. And what about "reincarnation" and 'protecting him from an assassin'? Totally have no idea what the scenes involving those words meant.

Simply horrible. Started off with strange melodrama. Then horrific massacre. Then ending. Which was totally "Dude, WTH?!".

God, wished I hadn't picked up this manga. I feel worse than I felt before I read this. Partially confused, partially horrified, and totally stunned/fazed.
@_@ Will there be a sequel? Wanna know what the "outside world" in the manga meant.

Any opinions about this manga or review? Pls write on my panel, need excitement >_
Parallel Paradise
Bloody Junkie
Bloody Junkie
Bloody Junkie
Bloody Junkie review
Bloody Junkie
Apr 11, 2021
Bloody Junkie review
Anyone reading this is probably here because they're attracted to the manga Cover. So was I. I've read the review another person wrote, saying that this manga isn't worth reading. But I thought, 'Hey it can't be that bad!'

I was wrong. It IS that bad. The manga has an interesting concept where the people participating in the 'game' is forced to wear rings around their neck, which also functions as mic, along with an earpiece with which they can hear what the viewers of the game are saying. Interesting.

While the MC was there because he wanted to find his brother, a quite common reason but still could develop into something interesting.

And so I kept reading. When I reached chapter 9 though, I was confused as the story was in the middle of a conflict, and I asked myself, 'How is the author going to resolve the whole story in like 40 pages? What about the brother? What the hell is going on?'

I had this bad premonition. 'No, It can't possibly end like this.' But it did. It ended there, without the conflict being solved. And where did the brother go? No appearance from him at all!

Seriously, this manga had potential. And I don't know why the author didn't continue this, or why it's left off there, but I can say for certain, DO NOT READ THIS if you're looking for survival kind of manga like Real Account or Kamisama no Iutoori ni (both are some of my favorite manga)

But if for some reason you still want to read this, then... Goodluck.
Boukun Tyrano-san
Apr 10, 2021
I was exploring some random manga when I came across a manga that immediately caught my attention. It was a short shoujo, which I could clearly tell from the "Margaret Comics" banner, but the art felt very familiar. This was because this manga was written by Mizuki Kawashita, a female mangaka I'm familiar with for years for creating some of the best romcom harems I've ever read. Ichigo 100%, Ane Doki and Hatsukoi Limited are all ecchi filled Shounen Jump titles that are incredibly fun and enjoyable. To find out that this artist had worked on a shoujo magazine before made me incredibly curious as to what kind of manga she would write for a female audience, and this is how I started reading Akane-Chan Overdrive.
Akane-Chan Overdrive's plot follows Takashi Amamiya, who, after tripping on a bottle, finds himself outside of his body and being pushed into the body of the titular Akane-chan, he now finds himself living as this girl until the spirit of the girl comes back to her body. Hopefully soon, because Amamiya's original body is dying slowly.
It's a simple premise, not too original, I've seen the whole "people switch lives" plot a lot. But most of them end up following the cliched message that "everyone's lives are hard and you shouldn't judge them" and, while I'm not sure what the message is here, it definitely isn't that. We mostly explore how Amamiya reacts to now being a beautiful girl and tries to live with it.
Knowing that Kawashita had written this manga before her time in Shounen Jump, I was actually expecting this to be a fairly "by-the-books" shoujo manga, and despite me not being the most expert reader of Shoujo manga, I do think this is the most shounesque shoujo I've read so far and it would made sense to me that people would change Kawashita to the Shounen branch of Shueisha because of this manga.
I don't say this just because this manga is mostly male characters (even if one is in a girl's body), although it does only have two recurring female characters, and one of them appears for like 2 chapters and the other basically serves for Amamiya to hit on sometimes. No, it's more that this is the first time I remember seeing an ecchi shoujo. We are given various panels of the girl naked or wearing questionable clothing, and if you need panty-shots, let me assure you they have it, they have it on every single chapter.
Plus, on the first chapter we get this very uncomfortable joke about her dad trying to have a bath with his grown up daughter. The pervy dad joke happens a couple more times throughout the manga, but it's done in a more tame manner than I can accept, but this one sounds all the red alerts. Now, I don't think this joke should be in any manga, at least not as a joke. But I think that specially as a manga that is being read by young girls, you shouldn't write-off your dad trying to see you naked with clear sexual and creepy intent, this is not what you want to teach kids.
But you know what, this is just one page, and I think the rest of the chapter is alright. It's funny, it has some good enjoyable moments and it does have a good artstyle to back it off, that, sure isn't as polished as Kawashita's later output, but is still very good. Chapter two and three, of ten, just follow the story more, exploring Amamiya and Akane's life, and then chapter four is a completely unrelated one shot.
Now, one-shots at the end of a volume happens, either related or not to the main story, it's not unusual to have the author write something new or put a previous work to fill up space. Thing is... this one-shot... is in the MIDDLE of the volume. Chapter 5, the last chapter of volume 1, have us back at Akane-Chan. This shouldn't be a negative point, because it's just a weird structure, but what? Why? Why in the middle?! Just... why?

Well, whatever, I'm calm now, so lets jump to volume 2. At this point we are having a romance triangle between what is basically three guys, that are all clearly very heterosexual, but for some reason whenever they are in Akane's body (yes, they switch) they feel weaker to the opposite gender, or to be specific, to the beautiful guy who's desperately trying to get into Akane's pants. Having in mind that two of the three are completely aware that the girl is a dude, this has some slight BL tones in it, leading into the final chapters. Which, to be fair, is actually an interesting development. One that I would love to read. At the end of chapter 8, we have the three of them fall off some stairs and completely switch bodies with one another, having the oblivious guy being in Akane's body this time. Making it all full circle and having us from now on, three dudes fighting for a girl, who's one of them.
Chapter 9 is a short side story that reverses this situation and has a teen girl dying, switching to a male body and trying to gain back her boyfriend. It's a fun story, that I wouldn't mind, if this wasn't the second to last chapter, but whatever, lets see how this manga ends.


Last chapter... What.

WHAT ABOUT THE ACTUAL MANGA?! EH! EH! KAWASHITA! I trusted you. I have told people to read your stuff. And you give me this? This is how you repay loyalty?

We ended on a fucking cliffhanger. They all switched bodies. The real Akane didn't even appeared, none returned to their original body.
We just stop the manga at a random chapter. And then fill the volume with two
TWO unrelated stories. Because why would one person write a conclusion?
Conclusions are pussies. You don't need conclusion. Read a manga, and when you're 74% near the end, burn it. BURN the manga, you don't need conclusions.

Okay... So... final thoughts.
I didn't hate this. It was fun, if I hated it, I would've not be mad about the (lack of) conclusion. There are funny, and interesting parts in this manga, perverted dad aside, enough that I don't want to give this a negative score. But I can't recommend this one to anyone because the story lacks more than just an ending. It lacks a middle. It's the start of a potentially good manga that never was. I would tell you to check Kawashita's older works instead.
Pumpkin Night
Pumpkin Night
Pumpkin Night
Pumpkin Night review
Pumpkin Night
Apr 10, 2021
Pumpkin Night review
I found out about Pumpkin Night through a Discord bot after the design of main character, Kirino Naoko, struck out to me. From looking into it i have found the most brutal, gory, torture-porn piece of media i've seen since Saw 6. And I fucking love it.
Pumpkin Nights is if you take every single 80's slasher film and combine them into some sort of gory cheesy amalgamation and shove it into a japanese comic book form. Of course this also means it has a lot of the downsides of those movies.
Almost every single character is stiff and two-dimensional, making it so you're never really attached to a character whenever any horrific event happens to them. These characters also make extremely idiotic choices, again, much like an old slasher flick. The only thing that i genuinely disliked and didn't find endearing in any way was the manga's tendency to bring up points that either have no relevance, or have much less relevance then expected.
Of course, we can't only talk about negatives, can we? Where Pumpkin Night exceeds is with its gore. Whenever a kill is shown, it spares no details and shows every gritty detail, while keeping every one unique and disturbing. There's always eyeballs and intestines and decapitated limbs in every scene, and the art works great for it. I also couldn't help but fall in love with the cliche but also appealing design of Naoko, and her signature weapon hitting that perfect balance of goofy and over the top.
In the end, Pumpkin Night isn't perfect, or even good to some people, if you are a fan of cheesy horror or gore I heavily recommend this. Now to wait for the next chapter.
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