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Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist
Fullmetal Alchemist review
Fullmetal Alchemist
Apr 15, 2021
Fullmetal Alchemist review
I shed a tear as I read the last chapter of this manga. A manga that I've been following since I was in Primary School has just concluded with the most epic and satisfying finale. I'm sad to see one of my favourite series of all time finish, yet I'm happy to see such a great ending. I really want to procrastinate more, but I should press onwards with the review and leave that for discussion in the forums.

Fullmetal Alchemist is one of the most innovative manga I've ever had the pleasure of reading. The concept of Alchemy itself was a superb idea, and in its nine-year run, there has never been a single wasted pages from Arakawa-sensei. The plot was developed with utmost detail into what is arguably one of the deepest and most engaging storylines to ever grace itself to us Manga fans. There is practically no fillers chapters at all, unlike most other shounen manga to reach this calibre of popularity. Also, the entire storyline has been perfectly planned out and stayed linear for the entire nine-year run, a staggering feat when you compare it to other Mangas in the same genre. If you read this manga from start to finish, you will be amazed at the coherency of the chapters and the inter-relations. You won't think that this was drawn over nine years, more like one long movie shown from start to finish. The ending is also incredibly rewarding for those who follow it up to the end. I won't leave any spoilers here, but know that you won't be disappointed, regardless of how high your expectation is.

FMA, in its nine-year run, had plenty of time to develop a large family of colourful characters. Arakawa-sensei is downright masterful when it comes to her characters. From beginning to end, every character was tweaked to perfection and not a single person is wasted. Also, the reader will not have any trouble getting into their shows because they're all so believable and realistic. From Ed and Al's passionate desire to be reunited with their mother to Roy's tragic past in the Ishballian conflict, and how everything was simply a Chesspiece for the Father's master plan, everyone fits right into place. The plot itself is completely character-driven, and is dependent on all of the characters to make it flourish.

The philosophical deepness of this manga is simply mindblowing for a Shounen manga. Behind each fight is a meaning waiting to be explored. Nothing in this manga happens for show. FMA explores the very purpose of existence, consistently refers to "the purpose of fighting" and goes deep into human emotions. From start to finish, as the character discover the answers to their questions, the reader will also be brought into their World and learn with them, just because that every character is so humane and understandable. The homunculi, named after the seven deadly sins, are also testament to the deepness on FMA. Despite their incredible powers and might over humans, all of them show true sadness that are completely delivered to the reader with Arakawa-sensei's masterful storytelling.

As for the Artwork, it isn't anything mind-blowing, but it's clean and efficient. Arakawa-sensei doesn't waste any panels in her chapters and gets straight to-the-point. One page of FMA will easily deliver more content than 3 pages of Bleach, and since FMA is a plot-driven manga, there's no room for complaints here and doesn't do anything to diminish the enjoyment. It should be noted that, despite the simplistic artwork, Arakawa-sensei never failed to express human emotion with the utmost accuracy and precision. You can really feel the characters on the page.

The enjoyment of this Manga is off the charts. Throughout its run, there are few manga that can come close to competing with FMA in terms of my expectation and urgency to read the next chapter. Arakawa-sensei is quite simply one of the best raconteuses in the industry. From the pace of the narration, the structure of the panels, and the distribution of roles amongst the characters - everything becomes relavent when you simply read the manga in front of your eyes and let the story flow into your brain. The process is so natural yet so intense. For a person who just picked it up, he/she will have trouble putting it down until the final chapter is read. It is simply a seamless, perfect experience that most other manga artists can only dream to draw.

Despite the simple artwork, the engaging plot, deep characters and perfect enjoyment easily overshadows this to earn FMA a very solid 10/10. You've wasted enough time reading this review. If you haven't started reading FMA yet, you should start right away. Regardless of your gender and age, Fullmetal Alchemist is a manga that no one should leave this World without reading first.

Taken from my Blog: http://imperialx.wordpress.com/2010/06/11/fullmetal-alchemist-review/
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon review
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Apr 13, 2021
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon review
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was my first contact with a Chinese manga, but I felt like I was reading a manwha .. why? Because I was reading something that had great art but everything else was absolutely horrible, so the overrated manwhas of today.

This manhua is the definition of inconsistency when you have an excellent work of art 100% colorful, with beautiful sceneries, but with a tedious, not at all engaging story, a raw cast and horrific dialogues/interactions.

There is also something that can briefly describe this manhua: emptiness; absolutely empty. The progression of the work and everything presented in it's vague and unattractive.

The story begins with a confrontation between two fighters, a ninja and a warrior, the fight is super well drawn, with an amazing use of colors and a nice quadrinization, but it really bothers me that the narration kept describing each action when a "show don't tell" would be much better in the situation. But I admit that I found the narrative quite confusing and the whole existence of the fight sounded more like a show off. Continuing in the narrative, when it takes shape and begins to tell a story, it is absurdly draining.

In the end, beautiful art does not make up for the void that all its other aspects present. Nothing exciting happens and I already predict that all its progressions will have no effect, dropped. This serves as a lesson that, art does not make a work good, but its script, art can even be average, but if your script is good, you've done a good job.
The Voices That Call Me
The Voices That Call Me
The Voices That Call Me
The Voices That Call Me review
The Voices That Call Me
Apr 12, 2021
The Voices That Call Me review
"The Voices That Call Me" is a one-shot that defines the term 'abysmal'.

It is one thing to create a story with horrible artwork, dialogue, characterisation and themes, but it is another to marry your turd with morally reprehensible scenes which exist for no reason but to shock and appal the reader. By the end of these worthless thirty pages I certainly felt shocked, but not because of the rape, castration and murder-- but because I couldn't understand why anyone would think it OK to publish such a pile of shite.

Allow me to explain the deep, intricate story found in the torturous thirty pages of The Voices That Call Me. Do keep in mind that spoilers will follow for the next two paragraphs, in case you were in a masochistic mood and felt like experiencing this vulgar dreck first-hand.

A young hikikomori is shut away, trapped in his room and regularly participates in self-aggrandizing fantasies about the success he feels he deserves. A few pages later he is shown to not only be a delusional twat, but a serial rapist and murderer. Eventually he is caught in the act (because locking the door while committing a terrible crime would make too much sense) and has his penis presumably cut off by the victim. And then it ends. That's it. Really.

I suppose it does at least attempt to justify wasting the reader's time by passing it off at the end as some form of dark humour, but it is a terrible attempt at humour nonetheless. The punchline is a variation of the "don't do this at home" cliché, a warning for the reader to not follow the 'voices' outside or else something terrible will inevitably happen to them. And, oh wait-- prepare to die of laughter-- the news reporter says this while holding a pair of bloody scissors in the last panel. Oh, man, my sides are killing me! This is way too hilarious. It makes everything beforehand worth it.

Occasionally there's a sign that the story might delve into something more interesting: a talk at the supermarket with another lunatic about society glorifying family life, or how all humans possess a unique talent, but of course these comments evaporate into thin air in the next panel. There is no conversation going on with the reader; the mangaka would rather rely on shock value than put in the effort to say something of value.

The only way I can rationalise this manga's existence is if the mangaka considers himself a part of the 'denpa' (lit. radio wave) genre (and it's likely he does, considering the protagonist is literally following the radio waves inside his head). The denpa genre involves disturbing and horror-like stories told through the eyes of a delusional and paranoid protagonist. Most of the time they attempt to convey the protagonist's mental breakdown by being deliberately incomprehensible at points, but the incomprehensibility in The Voices That Call Me does not ever seem intentional. Unlike something such as Higurashi or the visual novel Subarashiki Hibi, the gore and degeneracy shown here exists only to disgust the reader. It doesn't bother to develop a haunting atmosphere or to create a protagonist convincing enough that the reader can empathise with them; it's just 'shit happens, here, go cringe and laugh at it!'

The Voices That Call Me is an abject failure in every regard. There is not a single thing about it that deserves praise, nor is there any reason to recommend this blubbering pile of filth to anyone who isn't a masochist. It's poorly-crafted, pointless, and worse-- utterly offensive.

I suppose the only thing in its defence is that it's still not quite as bad as Apocalypse Zero.
Shoujo Tsubaki
Paranoia Cage
Kiiroi Hon: Jacques Thibault to Iu Na no Yuujin
Kiiroi Hon: Jacques Thibault to Iu Na no Yuujin
Kiiroi Hon: Jacques Thibault to Iu Na no Yuujin
Kiiroi Hon: Jacques Thibault to Iu Na no Yuujin review
Kiiroi Hon: Jacques Thibault to Iu Na no Yuujin
Apr 09, 2021
Kiiroi Hon: Jacques Thibault to Iu Na no Yuujin review
If you’re checking this entry, it’s probably because Kiiroi Hon or Yellow Book, a manga written by Fumiko Takano, won the 2003 Osamu Tezuka Grand Prize, but chances are the name Fumiko Takano will be completely unknown to you except if you’ve read some of her translated interviews with Taiyou Matsumoto or with Katsuhiro Otomo.

She’s actually one of the big influential figures in the industry, she was inspired mainly by Moto Hagio and by some of the big authors of COM (an avant-garde magazine created to rival with Garo) such as Fumiko Okada or Shinji Nagashima and started writing comics in the late 70s. She was immediately considered as being part of the New Wave and soon enough joined the alternative revue “Rakushokan”. She’s known for trying herself to an incredibly different range of artstyle, for her portrayal of women and especially the mother-daughter relationship, and for depicting the most common events of daily life in a fascinating manner thanks to her gestion of space, her economy of lines and careful observation of the usual gestures and expressions of people. Her stories also are known to have hidden meanings or to not be completely understandable from the first reading. One of her most famous stories “Tanabe no Tsuru” is about an old woman suffering from dementia and presenting her under the traits of a very young girl, mixing point of views from different periods of her life. Some others can simply depict a girl folding an origami or handmaking an umbrella.
She’s also described by critics as “an artist that can draw things as she sees it” and “the artist making the best use of her visual art”.

Now that was a long introduction in order to apprehend Yellow Book which is one of the only translated book of hers and one of those works that you can easily dismiss or not care about because of its vagueness or cherish with all your heart if you take the time to understand it. I’d also say your appreciation will rely on how much you like abstract and minimalistic artstyle and are sensible to stories that aren’t direct but are told in a more evocative manner.
You also have to know only the first story which takes a bit more than half of the book was created specifically for it, the other one-shots are some of her previous works that were collected with it for the occasion.
The first story is about a young girl fascinated by a famous French novel series called “Les Thibault” that originally started in 1922 and published for the first time in Japan in 1966. She’s so obsessed with it that she reads and rereads it whenever possible and imagine herself talking with the characters, walking into its cities and almost falling in love with Jacques Thibault himself. Ideas of socialism,revolt and social outbreak are weaving themselves into her tranquil life where nothing really happens. This story makes a wonderful job at making the transitions between the two worlds and making them echo each other to bring forth its characterization.
The 2nd story, “Cloudy Wednesday” is the shortest of the bunch, it was originally published in Comic Cue in 1996 and could be called a typical Takano story, simply consisting of a mother interacting with her daughters in a happy household.
The 3rd, called “Mayonnaise” depicts a romantic relationship building between co-workers and some problems of communication arising in such a place.
The final one called “ Live at 2-2-6” is about a woman working for the social assistance that tries to avoid men and love at all cost. While taking care and preparing food for a 57 years old woman, she also has to do her best to avoid the unexpected and unsympathetic presence of her son.

Kiiroi Hon offers a decent sample of the abilities of Fumiko Takano with the stories each having a different theme and focus. She’s an artist worth getting visibility and to be better known in the West because some of her previous works are in my opinion more sophisticated than those presented here.
Ousama Game
Ousama Game
Ousama Game
Ousama Game review
Ousama Game
Apr 09, 2021
Ousama Game review
I loved GANTZ, Berserk and Battle Royale. Horror/torture porn/emotional roller coasters and gore fests can be interesting and worth watching. This isn't. It's not going to become hentai or titillating. There's no payoff. The gimmick is pointless and there's no explanation.

Story: 1

The synopsis says it all. Kid's dying. There were a lot of creative things they could have done with punishments, the backstory could have gone somewhere, the way it plays out could pay off....but it doesn't. And the last few seconds confirm that the entire story is a gimmick: there's no story, just a lot of kids to kill, in boring ways.

Art: 3

There's nothing special. It makes me think of pain't by numbers hentai work. Pathetic for anime. The gore isn't even good. It's sad.

Character: 2

They start off one dimensional and gain...nothing. Nope. Everything is contrived and the interaction and tear-jerking stuff they try to pull is pathetic. Ooh, and the angst...

Enjoyment: 3

I watched the entire season. Enjoyed the first episode. Got through the rest waiting for a payoff that never came. And the finale ruined it. If you like simplistic torture porn, you'll probably give this a 6

Overall: 1

This entire project is the product of an unimaginative writer, commissioned for a school principle with sadistic dreams about killing his students. There's no creativity, no heart, no point and no payoff. It's just repetitive and phoned in.
Hitoribocchi no Isekai Kouryaku
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