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Dokyuu Hentai HxEros
Dokyuu Hentai HxEros
Dokyuu Hentai HxEros
Dokyuu Hentai HxEros review
Dokyuu Hentai HxEros
Apr 11, 2021
Dokyuu Hentai HxEros review
I'll start this off by saying that this review will attempt to be as harsh as it can with this manga, but keep in mind that this should not be enjoyed as whatever you consider "a memorable story", but simply something you'd read if you're too bored, or to pass time.

This story was exactly what it set out to be, a low quality, ecchi manga that can only be used as content you engage in when you wanna turn your brain off.

I can't help but think of multiple occasions that it copied To Love Ru, even down to the name of the protagonist Retto - HxEros; Rito - To Love Ru; but I'll put that aside, seeing as how every modern ecchi/harem manga does that to a certain degree. Granted, I never expected an overarching plot, three dimensional characters, spectacular foreshadowing, unexpected twists and turns, or anything of the sort from HxEros in comparison to others that are alike, but given as how it took a more action-oriented approach, it definitely could have used some of those.

The story is simply put mediocre, with many conflicting elements and mismatched issues that are never really tackled, or given any exposure. The characters I'd say, succeed in somehow being slightly worse. They have one single personality trait that keeps them relevant, and that's also only if they're on page; not to mention many relationships and attempted developments that went kind of nowhere (seriously, how open ended are the protagonist's relationships with everyone but the main heroine?).

I suppose its one saving grace is the art. While definitely not fantastic, it made the readthrough much more bearable. I'm glad there were no weird anatomical moments, sketchy panels or questionable quality of drawings, but that should be a given, from a manga that has its characters more naked than clothed. Its quality is decent and definitely better than anything I can produce, but its constant use of bright shades brings its rating down, it could do with more tonal contrast, I know that "Eros" energy or whatever it is, is meant to be glowing, but seriously, tone it down.

Oh and the other thing that saves it is that it knew exactly when to end, a lot of these manga for some reason usually have issues with ending things before their "quality" plummets down (To Love Ru is also guilty of this).

To wrap this up, I'll repeat once again what I said at the start. If you're expecting an amazing story you'll remember for the ages, this isn't it. But if you know what you're getting into, and know that this is only going to be ecchishit you'll laugh at, or you're going to read it out of boredom, go for it. It's much better by a large margin than stories similar to it.
Usotsuki Paradox
Scandalous review
Apr 08, 2021
Scandalous review
A ‘Scandalous’ relationship between siblings that aren’t related by blood (now where have I heard this before?). Well this Shoujo, Smut, Romance, Drama is a good quick read but offers little else.

Of to an abrupt beginning, Honoka is your average girl who idolizes the young rising star (Masaki Izumi) and when her mother decides to remarry, she is shocked to find out that her new brother will be that star. The problem begins here not only for this inevitable couple but for us readers, as the story is rushed to the point where things are left unexplained, for convenience sake. Not only that but the strife and problems they faced didn’t have much of an impact because it lacked any build-up.

The main characters are very typical for a shoujo manga, also with side characters that come and go as they please. Honoka is as average as a girl can be, which would make some of you wonder what the 2-faced celebrity, Masaki, would like about her. Also there’s another important character that adds a lot to the story, however her mentality is so straight-forward that it’s boring.

Unfortunately this manga looks awfully ‘plain’, as the artwork offers very little to compensate for the manga’s shortcomings. The characters look great but it’s the lack of variation, fine detail and shading that lets it down.

Overall this was an unsatisfactory manga that didn’t live up to its name ‘Scandalous’. Sure there are various reasons that shoujo readers would enjoy this, like being able to cover what some shoujo manga can only cover in a dozen volumes, however I couldn’t find anything outstanding about this cliché shoujo manga with a cheesy ending.

Gozen Reiji ni Kuchizuke wo
Gozen Reiji ni Kuchizuke wo
Gozen Reiji ni Kuchizuke wo
Gozen Reiji ni Kuchizuke wo review
Gozen Reiji ni Kuchizuke wo
Apr 08, 2021
Gozen Reiji ni Kuchizuke wo review
Gozen Reiji... is a romance shoujo read with the main story about a girl wanting to become a bartender for her own romantic aspirations spanning three short chapters along with two unrelated oneshots. The overall enjoyment you derive from this title will depend heavily on how avid a shoujo-romance manga fan you are, so while I found myself largely bored and underwhelmed with the pace and direction of the main story, others may appreciate the delicacy of the characters and their development and maybe even enjoy the (somewhat) novel Cayote Ugly-esque premise of becoming an apprentice bartender and romantic trysts and entanglements which pursue.

Art: The mangaka's art style is clearly geared towards a shoujo audience, large girly eyes and features, good looking bishies and cute surroundings. It lacks sharpness and feels a little dated with the hairstyles, backgrounds and overall style, but it's certainly not unappealing. Facial expressions weren't groundbreaking, ditto with the fashion depicted or the actions of the various characters, which were appropriate for the plot but mediocre at best. I wouldn't pick up this volume for the impeccable art standards.

Story and Characters: The main story is simple, slow paced and not too unrealistic. Karin has this fascination with all this bar-tending and after a birthday visit to an upscale bar with a (cute of course!) bartender who floors her a little with his visual flair, she can't help but apply to work there alongside him. (Groundbreaking stuff this! Where do mangakas dream up such novel situations?) While it avoids being too maudlin or sappy which is a relief because that can really ruin a good shoujo read, the dialogues and execution aren't laced with too much humour or sharp wit. It's easy to get bored with the endless inner monologues which repeat the same facts over and over and start browsing panels just waiting to get the action packed bit.

The two oneshots are a completely different ball game here. The first one revolves around a college aged couple and how the heroine is a little dissatisfied with the lack of conflict in their relationship (yes ladies, there are such thankless females out there!) so she decides to test her boyfriend's patience a bit. It had potential, but the wimpy character development and frustrating lack of employing fun situations to further the plot leave the reader a tad disappointed.

The second oneshot has some serious teeth to the story. A particularly popular and unabashed playerette working at an office lets her corporate mask slip for just a moment at a vulnerable point and has to pay when a naughty colleague decides to exploit her slip up and declare her his steady girlfriend. But this means she will need to give up her constant queue of suitors! How vexing! Why would the hero put her in such a situation... it must be because he already likes her right? Well then, she'll just expose this little crush of his and make him admit defeat in the process!
THIS is what really sets this story apart from the regular shoujo lot. The heroine is a very self aware and competent gal, willing to put her ego aside, put in the effort and remain constantly on her toes to one up her temporary Romeo. While it's a oneshot and pacing and character development can only be so much, it's still an enjoyable and fun read, if only due to the determined female lead's perseverance to never give up!

Romace, Doki Doki and Smut: Meh. Nothing too moving or memorable. The romance of the story and oneshots, while sweet and chaste will not really leave you breathless or gasping at the sexiness of it all. The intimacy and affectionate aspect of the story has a bit an "Aww shucks" feel to it in some places, but nothing super captivating which makes for low re-readability.

Overall B-: While an OK read, I wouldn't recommend this volume to die hard shoujo romantics, with the exception of the second one shot "Striving Little Devil" for its novelty and witty character development.
Sword Art Online: Aincrad
Sword Art Online: Aincrad
Sword Art Online: Aincrad
Sword Art Online: Aincrad review
Sword Art Online: Aincrad
Apr 05, 2021
Sword Art Online: Aincrad review
First of all, in advance, I do love Sword Art Online. I read this as a fan, not as someone new to it, or as someone looking to bash it. I was super excited to read this, as I loved SAO so much. I was glad to see it was an omnibus, since it means I'd be spending less, but that's where the warning should have come.
This adaptation of SAO was horrible. So horrible to the point where I fear anime to manga adaptations now.
The art was lousy. The faces were drawn strangely, Klein was aged like 5-10 years, and the art lacked detail. The only thing that was OK were the backgrounds, and even then I recall them only being basic.
The story was.. well, unfortunately, totally butchered. The plot was rushed, and character development was thrown out the window in favor of getting the story done in two volumes. We don't get to see Kirito go from Mr. Loner into someone who readily joins in with parties and realizes it's more fun to be with others than by yourself. He's just instantly Mr. Nice Guy who likes being in a group. I think the Beater thing was only brushed on in here, and I don't recall the battle with Kuradeel being there (though it may have been, but I forgot). It may have been, but if it was, it was rushed. Actually, I think Laughing Coffin as a whole was almost ditched. Additionally, Lisbeth and Silica do not appear at all here. Kirito just pulls his second sword from thin air here. Finally, Asuna and Kirito's relationship is almost nonexistent here. I think they just instantly know each other, like each other after the cooking thing, meet Yui, and fight at the end. They skip all of the early Kirito/Asuna scenes, which leaves their relationship feeling even more rushed than usual.
Overall, this was a horrible adaptation of a good anime. If you've seen the anime and want to revisit the world of Aincrad, read the light novel, or the Progressive series. If you are interested in SAO, but want to start with a manga (I do recommend just streaming the anime through Crunchyroll or Netflix, but if you really want to start with a manga..), read the adaptation of Sword Art Online: Progressive. It doesn't follow the anime exactly (it goes more into Kirito and Asuna as characters and the dungeons, though), but it's at least not rushed feeling.
The King of Fighters: Kyo
The King of Fighters: Kyo
The King of Fighters: Kyo
The King of Fighters: Kyo review
The King of Fighters: Kyo
Apr 05, 2021
The King of Fighters: Kyo review
As Polonius of Hamlet once said: Brevity is the soul of wit. Sometimes, all we want is a little pinch of something before we've had enough of it. For KOF: Kyo, a pinch is indeed all that we get and that pinch, as brief and as flawed as it is, it just enough...but only just.

The underlying conflict in KOF, centered on the struggle between Iori Yagami and Kyo Kusanagi, is odd in that characters always refer to the struggle, but the reader is never really given the scope of the conflict until later in the short series. Those who have played the games would probably be the only ones who could understand the story, limiting the audience within the first few chapters.

The manga, with its grossly uneven pacing and extremely unsatisfying ending, does succeed in giving us a brief outline of what a shounen is all about: getting cocky, getting humbled, getting depressed, getting angry and then getting even. CHDAE...that acronym will probably never stick, but the point is that while Kyo's story is predictable, it is at least goes forward, albeit to lackluster ends.

Character designs are one of the key strengths in KOF:F. Fighting games rely on interesting characters to entice players, and for this spin off, with the character designs remain mostly the same, KOF is a visual treat. Furthermore, the artist knows his way around the 90s era of shounen. From him, we get an art style that keeps with the spirit of the 90s without trying too hard, complete with exaggerated emotions and tense confrontations between rivals. Each battle between Iori and Kyo serve as a example how the intensity of video game fights can be successfully transferred into the manga media.

The lack of originality is the issue I am least concerned about with this series, since it, like other 90s shounens, prioritizes style over substance. What bothers me are the lacking motivations of the characters, especially for Kyo himself. He lacks drive, and while the story tries to explain exactly why, readers are not given much to work with. All we get is a faceless love interest, a vague recap of the previous tournament and a general outline of his relationship with his rival, who is obsessed with killing Kyo because...he wants to? Kyo just loses his will to fight, but with the stakes unclear and/or worthless, I don't see a reason why he should fight either, which defeats the purpose of writing a shounen all about fighting. Other characters, like Benimaru, appear as cameos, while still others serve as simple tools for the main two fighters to use. Athena and Kensou are just wandering around, helping Kyo without developing themselves in any way. Vice and Mature come in later, their purpose only highlighting the fact that the story is incomplete. The only character who captures the passion and fulfills his designated role is Kyo's father, who challenges his son to be better like a good shounen dad should.

It's turn-off-brain entertainment of the worst kind: looks pretty, but has no soul. Reading it was never a chore, but I also never looked forward to it. It's almost worse that I'm ambivalent about this series overall. Odds are that I'll forget about this series after a few weeks. That's a failure of a whole other sort.

Great character designs and fights are weighed down by empty characters and a story that, while conducive to fighting, is not conducive to fiery passion. King of Fighters: Kyo is a series where the cons and the pros are perfectly balanced.

All I can say about this manga is this: it is anything but the King.
Edens Zero
Shonan Seven
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