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Koe no Katachi
Koe no Katachi
Koe no Katachi
Koe no Katachi review
Koe no Katachi
Apr 16, 2021
Koe no Katachi review
Well hello. We got another tough one no?

Koe no Katachi... well, it's a manga about bullying. It should be in it's genre. It's drama, psychologicial and BULLYING. It should be like that.
Let me get this out of the way, this CAN'T be real. It just cannot be. I've had my fair share of bullying, and 'till I managed to punch the sucker out of his misery, I got bullied. That was my problem. That was my cowardness that I gave in to. And it seemed it was the biggest problem of the world. But, it was "childish." That bullying was childish. It was at a kids level. When you looked at it from afar, you knew that two kids were brawling. In my lifetime, I have never seen kids who act this... "monstrous". What was happening in the early chapters was NOT bullying. No it was something else. I've never seen kids like this in my life time. This seriously pisses me off. I mean, if they are kids, then what the hell were we? We got bullied, we bullied others, but no one never "really" wanted to harm. I mean, we never pushed the boundries of "being a kid", did we? Did we break people's equipments that would cost them 1.7 MILLION YEN and get away with it? What's up with that? Try converting that to your currency, YOU CAN STUDY AT A FOREIGN UNIVERSTY WITH THAT MONEY. The people who are portrayed in this manga, are bad people. No, I didn't say kids you see. I said "bad people". And this just pissed me off, thinking that f*ckers like this might be all around and we got so lucky and never noticed. If this is portraying the current Japanese children, then something is so very fucked up with Japan. In my country, if a kid calls their mother a "bitch", s/he'd get beaten up so bad, it'd probably switch the locations of the kid's mouth and nose. I do not recommend this manga to readers who are under 12.
God! I just can't calm down, even though it's just a manga.

Well, with that out of the way, let me start.

Story: It's the synopsis. There's this one little spoiled brat who does anything for his fun. Then he meets the deaf girl who goes to his school, and scarred her for life. Then the ball returns to him, and he pays the bill. Short summary.

Art: It's decent. Well, I can't really say anything because when I start reading the words, I forget everything else. But one thing bugged me, "the mouths". You'll see my meaning after you read it.

Character: This part is my favorute part, since I can say whatever I want in this part. Let me start with our main bastard whom you'll hate so much, you'll wonder why you're still reading this manga, Ishida Shouya. He's... Well I never hated any other character in my life. No as a person, it seriously stressed me. I mean, how the hell did he get away with all that? (At first I mean, lol he's so f*cked up later) There are adults who are in that school, and they just say "It's bad, don't bully" ? Well then f*cking save her from bullying you brainfarted monkey.

I'm calm. Well, Ishida Shouya. You'll hate him. I guarentee it. You just will. You will wish that he was dead from the very first time he jumped from that bridge. You will wish that they will f*cking rape his ass with 50 inch dildos. He just bullies this sweetest girl in the world who is deaf for the reason of his "boredom". I don't want to spoil the "kids bullying" for you, but it goes to a point of her transferring out from school. He literally beats her to that point. To that point, I'm sure you'll hate his guts. No, you'll want to cut his balls and switch it with his eyes.
Well, that's karma. What goes around, comes back around. People hate his guts for the bullying. Don't get me wrong, his class is also full of spoiled little punks, and when the teachers want a scape goat, they all point him and sell him out. It's amazing how many bad apples can gather in a school. Take teachers or students, they were all messed up. Not one good person was in there, and it seriously makes me wonder if Japan is really like this. They sell him out, and start bullying him. Do all kinds of messed up things to him. And you don't feel any sympathy, not one bit. You want it to keep going, and they do. They f*ck him up, and it was like god's way of saying "Karma, b*tch!". He grows up alone, hated and despised.
Well, he grows up. He despises himself, more then we do. He hates his own guts. He knows that he stole that girl's life from her, and he can't find a way to repent. No, he thinks he doesn't deserve forgiveness (Well I think so too). So he goes to see her to apologize for the last time, and kill himself after it.

Well, that's the ginx of it. I'm going to stop the character part here, since if I start, this review will be a booklong, but I'll just say that there will be a moment when you will hate all of the characters, and like all of the characters.

Overall: Well this manga was a pushed one for me. I hated it, but I just had to read it. It never seemed realistic to me, and I freaking hated the mangaka. Now thinking about it, why the hell did I read it? It wasn't heartwarming or sweet, fuck no it was the opposite. It was fucking dark and gloomy. It was depressing, showing all the fucked up sides of people. Who the hell thinks that this manga is sweet?
And I give an overall score of 8, because no other manga moved me this much. Be it in a good way or bad, it's been sometime that I've hated someone this hard. (Ouma Shu, Guilty Crown. I'll never forget that pussy.)
Read it if you want to. You won't forget it once you finish it.

Manshuu Ahen Squad
Oujou no Jouken
Oujou no Jouken
Oujou no Jouken
Oujou no Jouken review
Oujou no Jouken
Apr 14, 2021
Oujou no Jouken review
There's an old joke that the shortest story ever to unite elements of politics, religion, royalty, sex, and mystery consists of a single line:

"My God, the Queen is pregnant! ... But who did it?"

Expand it into a shoujo manga series, and that's more or less the premise of「Oujo no Jouken」. In the European-esque, matriarchal country of Bragança, the sudden death of the queen leaves her two daughters Estrela(16) and Lua(14) in direct ascension to the throne, on one condition: that whoever is first to bear a female heiress gains the right to rule. Both sisters are infatuated with their cousin Affonso, who happens to have an agenda of his own. Thus a power struggle unfolds in the form of a race for pregnancy, wrought with love, sex, lies, and betrayals.

So far, so soapy.

As a reader who gravitates towards the more mature, sobering themes in terms of manga choices, I picked up「Oujo no Jouken」in search of a pulpy read. The series fulfilled all my expectations wonderfully. It's beautifully drawn - perhaps not the most exquisite artwork I've ever seen, but the rich array of royal balls, lush costumes, and handsome suitors certainly appeased my inner otome (with the exception of Syldonio, who consistently looks like a turd). The story is exceedingly readable, with no pretensions of high culture, history or politics - it's a soap opera through and through, and unapologetically so.

Character development is a bit of a hit-and-miss. Personally I appreciate the sparing use of inner monologues and flashbacks (compared to certain series that smother you with too much of both...*coughKuzunoHonkaicough*), leaving room to readers' interpretations. To that end it can come across as a bunch of teenagers making bad life choices with little insight into their actions - but thinking back to high school history lessons on the lives of royalty, you can't underestimate the destructive power of ennui. Traces of Marie Antoinette's infidelities and the conspiracies of the Medici's are felt in the story, and I couldn't help but think to myself as I read: this is what happens when you let adolescent girls rule a country.

But sarcastic jabs aside, I enjoy the series for what it is at heart - an entertaining family drama you don't have to think too deeply about - and look forward to the next installment, further unraveling of the whodunit behind the (possible future-)queen's (impending) pregnancy.

[Review based on vols. 1-2.]
Ryuuji review
Apr 14, 2021
Ryuuji review
"Desde la base hasta el infinito" Esta es la premisa de este espectacular manga. Un futbolista que empieza desde lo más bajo de japón hasta llegar a la élite mundial. Los primeros pasos de Ryuuji en el mundo del fútbol estarán llenos de subidas y bajadas, pero al final alcanzara su sueño: jugar en el equipo de sus amores, el Real Betis Balonpié.

Gracias a su llegada el club comienza a ganar partidos y a despuntar. En cierto momento, gracias a la magnifica dupla que forma Ryuuji con Ruben Castro, el Betis llega a ponerse momentáneamente lider. Pero la felicidad dura poco cuando la federación suspende a Ruben durante toda la temporada por agredir a su novia. El club entonces empieza a perder constantemente y Ryuuji entra en una profunda depresión. Para más inri el Sevilla, rival por antonomasia del betis toma el liderato de la tabla.

Todo esto cambia cuando conoce a una fan de la que se enamora perdidamente. En ese momento vuelve a coger la forma y el Betis vuelve a remontar y se acerca peligrosamente al liderato.

Llega la última jornada y el equipo de Ryuuji está empatado a puntos con el Sevilla y se enfrentan a ellos. La situación entre las hinchadas de los dos clubs es muy tensa, hasta el punto que un grupo de ultras sevillistas agreden brutalmente a nuestro protagonista, lesionandolo de su rodilla derecha.

El entrenador no permite a Ryuuji jugar, pero este quiere participar en el juego a toda costa, por lo que se entrena en el vestuario lo máximo que puede y empieza el partido en el banquillo.

El partido empieza mal para los verdiblancos, el Sevilla marca un gol que le da el triunfo. El Betis intenta todo lo que puede para empatar el partido, pero no lo consigue. Entonces llega el minuto 90 y el betis obtiene una falta a su favor. En ese momento Ryuuji pide al entrenador entrar en el terreno de juego y este acaba accediendo. El Betis saca la falta y entonces es cuando ocurre la épica: Ryuuji pega un salto abrumador y cabecea el balón empujandolo a la portería y consiguiendo el glorioso empate que le da el título a su equipo.

Su sueño se ha cumplido, su equipo es campeón y él se ha convertido en un héroe nacional. Con la victoria acaba este maravilloso manga. Simplemente una obra maestra 10/10
Kumo no Graduale
Kumo no Graduale
Kumo no Graduale
Kumo no Graduale review
Kumo no Graduale
Apr 13, 2021
Kumo no Graduale review
This is the Manga version of Firefly, and I’ll explain what I mean by that below. As you probably know firefly is a cult classic TV series cut short by cancellation. It had a cast of quirky characters, all of whom were somewhat outlaws, and a world that seemed like it was building up to something more than it initially seemed.

This manga also has a set of quirky outlaws in a world setting up something larger then it initially seemed, but unfortunately this series also contains an element of firefly that is detrimental.

There is no freaking ending.

Yeah, this manga was too cut short, was it cancelled? I don’t know, but probably yes, considering how abruptly it ended, answering none of the questions or closing a single plot thread. It’s a damn shame too, this was a very promising series from the start, it had blimp on blimp aerial combat and people in physics defying wingsuits, and it was cool!

The art wasn’t the best technically, but it had a pleasing, almost full metal alchemist kind of vibe to it, and the character designs themselves were quite good; particularly the main character Koto a Short haired tomboy in aviator goggles and a military uniform… mmm baby that’s the stuff, top tier waifu right there, 10/10 would fu- Ahem, what was I talking about before?

If you like blimps, alternate history, girls in aviator goggles and don’t mind it not having an ending, check it out. It seems super hipster level unknown so if that’s a selling point for you, go for it, what little there actually is of this is pretty good.

Mon Seul
Mon Seul
Mon Seul
Mon Seul review
Mon Seul
Apr 12, 2021
Mon Seul review
Before anyone reads this manga, you should know that the "Seinen" and "drama" category for this manga really means what it means: There is some very disturbing issues in this manga that might even make older guys flinch. Do NOT READ IF YOU DISLIKE LOLI. (and i mean even disliking it a little bit. Like, when i read this, i was feeling weird and im usually ok with Loli but, this isnt loli-comedy, this is...more disturbing).

Story: one of the reasons the story is decent is because of it's structure: at the start of the manga, the story is told directly by the main character (ikeuchi) in first person, as he describes the situation, and what disturbing event took place. This later shifts to become like reading a normal manga (just viewing what is happening), but shifts back and forth for a while in this manner.

The actual content of the story involves a lot more than the synopsis describes: Betrayal, Tragedy (in ikeuchi's view), despair, forgiveness, and what it means to be a family. Not just Loli (although it is one issue used, it should not be primarily focused on).

Art: The artwork for this manga is decently drawn, and all the characters look pretty cute too (like in any romance manga). If you prefer manga will decent looking characters, this manga will do.

Character: Like was mentioned before, the main character actually tells us his story from the beginning, meaning you get to see and feel what the main character feels all that more. As the story progresses, more and more is shown about ikeuchi and the other characters (each of their individual stories are told one time or another). And, they are not exactly what you may expect them to be: Minami is not the innocent little sister, kanda is not the reliable and responsibly best friend, and ikeuchi does not truly know what it means to be in a family.

Enjoyment: To be honest, in order to actually enjoy this manga, you have to suffer a little bit from it first. (there is shock content that involves loli, and you also have to read for a while in first person, most of which is about the main character's anguish and despairing situation). However, my final impression of this manga's enjoyment factor was that it was decent and unique: in the end, the characters are able to find peace with themselves.

Overall: This is a decent manga to read, it is short and it can make a huge "impact" on you. It is a good break from normal lovey-dovey romance genre manga and truly has shocking drama in it. However, this manga should not be read if you dont like having your emotions running loose or if you dont like Loli. Otherwise it is a good read.
Boku no Futatsu no Tsubasa
Jorge Joestar
Elf wo Karu Mono-tachi
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