Sensei no Shiroi Uso review

Apr 08, 2021
Sensei no Shiroi Uso is what Kuzu no Honkai thinks it is.

Before I get into why I've given it a more positive review than the other reviewers have, here's a quick skim through all the reasons this manga sucks: the plot's pace is slow, there's barely any character development (apart from the mcs getting over sexual trauma), there is an inherently misogynistic atmosphere to a lot of this manga (as one of the other reviewers mentioned), and the mc does end up preaching a little bit towards the end. And, to top it off, you get the vibe that Torikai believes society is full of shit, men are scum, and no one really gives a shit about rape.

So, there's plenty of reasons to not read this manga. And, frankly, I can't disagree with any of the points made in the negative reviews of Sensei no Shiroi Uso, nor do I think the majority of readers would enjoy this. Ultimately, this manga focuses on a very sensitive niche: the niche of misery, to both the characters and the reader.

If you read into this manga too deep, you won't like it. If you try to think that it's quietly discussing all the things wrong with society, all these 'hidden societal rules', then you'll end up hating everything it stands for. Instead, read Sensei no Shiroi Uso as something to hit the spot when you want to admire how shit society can be. As I said earlier, Kuzu no Honkai wants what this manga has, and by that I mean a shit ton of rape. The sexual trauma doesn't end with this manga, and, to top it of, the villains don't really pay the penalty for what they do. There genuinely is no 'goodness' in the manga.

Which is great, provided you're a reader who wants to suffer and/or enjoy the suffering of others.

Sensei no Shiroi Uso is great at being fucked up.


Sensei no Shiroi Uso
Sensei no Shiroi Uso
Autor Torikai, Akane