Sensei no Shiroi Uso

Alternativen: Synonyms: Teacher's White Lie
Japanese: 先生の白い嘘
Autor: Torikai, Akane
Art: Manga
Bände: 8
Kapitel: 49
Status: Finished
Veröffentlichen: 2013-08-22 to 2017-09-22
Serialisierung: Morning Two


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(4 Stimmen)
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Alternativen: Synonyms: Teacher's White Lie
Japanese: 先生の白い嘘
Autor: Torikai, Akane
Art: Manga
Bände: 8
Kapitel: 49
Status: Finished
Veröffentlichen: 2013-08-22 to 2017-09-22
Serialisierung: Morning Two
4 Stimmen
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Misuzu Hara is a 24-year-old high school teacher who, four years earlier, endured a traumatic experience at the hands of Hayafuji, the then-boyfriend of her best friend Minako. She has never forgotten the experience, but she has kept it secret from Minako to protect their engagement, and has rationalized it to herself as having occurred to her due to her being a woman, even if it has continued to negatively impact her emotional well-being

(Source: ANN)
Sensei no Shiroi Uso review
Apr 08, 2021
What starts off as an interesting but dark story devolves into a convoluted mess of contradictory preaching.

The author tries to make some sort of nuanced statement about the relationships between men and women and the natural power struggle they're locked in, but ends up implying some absolutely horrifying hot takes such as:

Women may say they hate rape, but in reality they love it!
Trying to abort another woman's baby isn't a bad thing, because a MAN made you do it.
Women have no agency
The only way to overcome rape is to find another man. Good dick cancels out bad dick; it's math!
Emotions dictate everything, and that's a good thing!
Men are always hurting women
A woman's lot in life is to be hurt, used and dirtied by men. Lay back and think of England.
The most horrible punishment that can be inflicted on a man is not death, but fatherhood.
Love means letting your husband beat you and sleep around
Society is 100% totally OK with every single behaviour stated above

If the story had just focused on the Teacher character and her struggle with rape/blackmail it would have been a better story, but the author shoves in a shitty romance between her and a student and focuses on some of the worst characters ever put to paper. Every single person in this manga is either a hollow slave to emotion or an irredeemable piece of trash. Since this author decided to take a massive dump all over humanity she made all the women sorry sacks of crying and estrogen and all the men vile tyrants with a constant erection.

On a technical level, the story is awful. It's slow, characters trudge along from one bad scenario to another with no real pacing or motivation, character's actions are not dictated by their previous actions and everything is always rape. All the time. Rape. Everywhere.

Near the end the story devolves into characters giving speeches outlining the author's warped worldview. The bad characters get away like nothing happened (because feelings), and everyone's life is ruined but no one learned anything (other than sensei who learns to stop worrying and love the dick)

The art is competent, at least. Shame it couldn't service a better story.

In conclusion: Over all this was a trainwreck of shallow characters raping/getting raped because nature says men shall rape all women with some nice art and some of the worst writing since Bobo the chimp got his hands on a typewriter. It also manages to set women back 5,000 years. That's an accomplishment, right?

Sensei no Shiroi Uso review
Apr 08, 2021
Sensei no Shiroi Uso is what Kuzu no Honkai thinks it is.

Before I get into why I've given it a more positive review than the other reviewers have, here's a quick skim through all the reasons this manga sucks: the plot's pace is slow, there's barely any character development (apart from the mcs getting over sexual trauma), there is an inherently misogynistic atmosphere to a lot of this manga (as one of the other reviewers mentioned), and the mc does end up preaching a little bit towards the end. And, to top it off, you get the vibe that Torikai believes society is full of shit, men are scum, and no one really gives a shit about rape.

So, there's plenty of reasons to not read this manga. And, frankly, I can't disagree with any of the points made in the negative reviews of Sensei no Shiroi Uso, nor do I think the majority of readers would enjoy this. Ultimately, this manga focuses on a very sensitive niche: the niche of misery, to both the characters and the reader.

If you read into this manga too deep, you won't like it. If you try to think that it's quietly discussing all the things wrong with society, all these 'hidden societal rules', then you'll end up hating everything it stands for. Instead, read Sensei no Shiroi Uso as something to hit the spot when you want to admire how shit society can be. As I said earlier, Kuzu no Honkai wants what this manga has, and by that I mean a shit ton of rape. The sexual trauma doesn't end with this manga, and, to top it of, the villains don't really pay the penalty for what they do. There genuinely is no 'goodness' in the manga.

Which is great, provided you're a reader who wants to suffer and/or enjoy the suffering of others.

Sensei no Shiroi Uso is great at being fucked up.
Sensei no Shiroi Uso review
Apr 08, 2021
This is what happens when teenage girls from tumblr meet r/im14andthisisdeep and intersectional feminism or TERFism.

This is an incredibly self deprecating, and nonsensical scribble that reads like a manga fanfiction of 50 Shades of Grey. It's a poor imitation of the aesthetic that manga like Pun Pun or Sangatsu no Lion succeed in creating, but instead of focusing on depression like those manga, it focuses on perceived women's rights issues. This manga attempts to convey a message through what some call "melancholy bait", the general atmosphere a manga has when it tries to appeal to a mature audience and convey a message on a complicated or taboo topic by means of explicit realism and representation of the negative events that accompany those topics. Simply put, the manga tries to appear mature and convey some grand message of a prevalent issue in society or with humans in general, an attempt (key word being attempt) which would be admirable if it didn't demonize men and victimize women.

The actions of the characters in this manga are unnatural, no two ways about it, and serve to paint a narrative of the author's ideology. The women are children, they have no capacity for common sense, independence or emotional maturity. The manga tries to paint women as powerless victims of men and that they have absolutely no avenues to defend themselves or seek support from. The men are all villains or villains in the making; men are either a rapist, a misogynist, a womanizer, or a fool. The men are also emotionally and intellectually immature and fit all the stereotypes misandrists dream of. Regardless of gender, the characters do not behave like humans, they don't seem to think about what to do in any given case and instead act entirely on the impulse of "what would make the best story", actions that result in over-dramatic and implausible events that are overturned or contradicted shortly after.

The actions of the characters and the situations that arise in general within the manga are extremely contrived and only seem to exist to offer an avenue to convey that ideology & message, both of which are conveyed quite poorly as the author seems to have an extremely poor understanding of them, an issue which is further compounded by her poor creative writing skills and poor understanding and unrealistic depiction of basic human psychology and behavior. The story and characters constantly bend and twist to unnaturally fit the protagonist, whether that be to accommodate completely nonsensical actions, morally or psychologically justify her absurdities, or her generic platitudes & speeches instead of taking the time and putting in the effort to convey it naturally. Frankly, the entirety of the story of this manga is best described as ideological propaganda, conversion material, or a self-insert, virtue signalling, narcissistic, ideological ego stroke.

Lastly, the manga puts in no effort, it takes the most predictable roads and platitudes to justify or explain the behavior of the characters in this manga. It doesn't take the time, or put in the effort to be unique or well done. It just slaps in a couple of pages or maybe a chapter or two as an explanation for whatever soapbox the characters happen to be on at the time. It's almost masochistic and certainly narcissistic. I feel it could be described as someone trying to make a grand comment on sexism in society and biology, someone who doesn't know what either of those words mean or any of the arguments against her position.

It'd be incredibly difficult to aptly describe the ridiculousness of the story and characters of this manga further than that. I hope that's enough to scare away anyone as stupid as me, anyone who would decide to read this because of the pretty cover art. Don't be fooled like me.