Ashigei Shoujo Komura-san review

Apr 09, 2021
tl;dr: If you have a foot fetish, then this manga is probably for you otherwise you'd best not read


Fairly simple one consisting of a chapter-based style story which revolves around our protagonist following around the eccentric girl Komura, as she does various tasks that one normally would use their hands for, with her feet. There are all kinds of foot-related fetish's going on, from feet kissing to feet holding to even making noodles out of feet. There's also slight glimpses of romance, and while they are pretty cute moments, don't last too long to write about


The art is fairly good, fits the overall atmosphere of the manga well and the feet certainly have their attention to detail


Character's as well I didn't find to be too bad. You have your typical MC who acts as the straight man character in all the situations and gets dragged around by the female lead. You also have your eccentric female lead who is very skilled at using her feet to do pretty much anything (and I mean literally anything)


I didn't find this series to be too bad in terms of having a good time, from a personal standpoint I would've liked some more romance but it's nothing to get salty over. If the thought of using your feet to do certain things sounds disturbing to you then you'd be best avoiding this as they are quite a few things done which seem kinda unpleasant being done with feet

but if you're a foot degenerate then you'll have a field day


Ashigei Shoujo Komura-san
Ashigei Shoujo Komura-san
Autor Haiba, Nemumi