
Apr 03, 2021
Black Clover review
Reading black clover got some potential but as the story goes it feels like it often seek an easy way out on the storytelling.

Story: 4
Nothing out of ordinary, blank slate got some unusual power yadda yadda. You could find it anywhere so it's not particularly unique. World building is quite good but the story flow feels a bit of a mess. Powerup here and there (where have I read that? Oh.... right...) to make the story progress is a bad idea, already proven. Some got unlimited powerloop which makes me questioning whether the power is made just so the background characters won't take fatal colateral damage from the main char's sugoi battle. The awakening of past life is also feels clunky and inconsistent.
Not exactly the worst. Just lack originality and creativity.

Art: 6
The art is probably the best point of this manga. Characters are easily distinguishable from each other.... just.... some got a really weird hairstyle which turn me off a lot of time. The battle is also feels static for some characters that don't even need to lift a finger to cast their attack.

Characters: 6
The characters got positive attitude and generally likeable but after the story progress they just become forgettable. Characters that get a highlight of that battle got ppwer reveal, past reveal or whatever then after that, just spamming that powerup in the background. Kind of a waste 9f potential.

Enjoyment: 4
Do I enjoy it? A little bit, but I got bored after a while. Loopholes makes me experience WTF moments from time to time that makes it tiring to read.

All in all it feels like any other average battle shounen. If you already here for a long time then there's really nothing new here.
Apr 03, 2021
Black Clover review
Seeing these reviews, I had to give my own. So I went into Black Clover almost completely blind, besides knowing the synopsis. I'm not too involved in the anime community despite being an avid reader of manga, so I hadn't heard anything about Black Clover prior to reading it.
Anyway, I did enjoy this manga. Yet after having its flaws/cliches pointed out to me, I could no longer ignore them, which is why it does not have an overly high score from me.

Story: 5/10
The story is kind of original. It's original in the sense that I haven't read a manga written about magic yet. In saying that, it gives me 'extremely toned down' Berserk vibes.
However, this gets the 'fair' rating because it's extremely cliche. Main character wants to be the best at something, check. Many love interests, check. Overpowered, unique ability that shocks all the bad guys, check. Hardly any character development besides 'I hit things with my big sword', check. Main character is more morally righteous than any other character, check. It's just mediocre. I did find myself on the edge of my seat or cheering on the characters, waiting for what's next at times, so it's not all bad. That being said, the fights can be extremely predictable. At times, the story can feel rushed too.

Art: 7/10
The art is nice and consistent. Not too much to say on this front, but it does work nicely for this manga.

Characters: 5/10
Like I said above, pretty run of the mill. I do see what people are saying about it being a rip-off of Naruto, too. But yeah, pretty bland. Personally, I hate the typical tsundere love interest, which is definitely present in Black Clover. I would have liked to see a bit more originality rather than 'idiot protagonist' and 'smart, naturally talented rival'. In saying that, I did quite enjoy Yami - the Captain of the Black Bull - in particular, despite he himself having some cliches.

Enjoyment: 7/10
Still enjoyable, if you can look past the cliches like I did. I only really took a lot of notice of them once someone pointed it out. It's a great time waster.

Overall: 6/10
I, in no way, think this is worthy of a 3/10, like so many people appear to be giving it. It's just... average. But I feel like the Art kind of gives it a bit of redemption from just a 5/10, and if you ignore the cliches, it's pretty enjoyable. Overall, its not the worst, yet far from the best.
Apr 03, 2021
Black Clover review
This might be a misguided statement, but it feels like Black Clover races with Boku No Hero to take over as the hot new Naruto replacement. Unfortunately, it does not do a very good job at taking over for an already fairly middling series.

I think the thing that most quickly gives you an idea of Black Clover is the phrase 'simple, generic shounen'. Generic shounen is not necessarily a bad thing, most fun series need to draw from generic cliches; they're cliches because they're known to have some sort of effect. The problem with Black Clover is that it does almost nothing at all to ever shake up it's cliches, and then executes said cliches to the lowest acceptable level.

Story: Like I said, cliches are fine as long as they're executed well. BC's execution leaves much to be desired. The story is probably the weakest part. The weakest aspect of it is the pacing. It's a constant barrage of meeting strong enemies, battling them in intense show downs, resting half a chapter, and then immediately heading to the next encounter. These encounters carry no weight; bad guys just show up to attack the town or interrupt training and then a huge fight breaks out. That's been every single encounter I can think of. I can't really see a overarching plot forming, I feel like every chapter just goes through the motions.

Art: The art is solid. The character designs are pretty good, the author has taken a fun take on a magical world and these band of wizard knights working to protect the kingdom. Magic attacks often have intricate, elaborate designs. The author can draw kinetic action and hot blooded fights quite well. Muscular boys, cute girls, etc. I take several points away because of the clarity. All these big magic spells aren't always drawn in the most clear, eye pleasing way.

Characters: All cliched, with some real bad eggs in the bunch, but also a lot of fun characters. The side characters are enjoyable. They fit what Black Clover excels at; turning your brain off and speed reading chapters. The problem is there isn't a single stand out character. Asta, the main character, is the big optimistic-refuses-to-back-down protagonist, but he makes it work. He's incredibly 2D, paper thin even, so don't expect anything out of him.

The thing that actually works with the characters is Asta's ability. Like in Boku No Hero, the series has taken an approach to having a main character with no unique abilities that then gain tremendous abilities. In both series the characters work hard for these abilities. Where it sets itself apart from BNH and actually surpasses it is the ability the character obtains as a result of the hard work. Asta is freaking ripped, incredibly strong and durable, and possesses Anti-Magic swords that allow him to cut through magic, reflect magic, and absorb magic. This is kind of atypical for such a generic shounen and is by far the most well executed aspect of the show. Even though Asta's power should theoretically cut through every problem, the manga still makes him have to work for his wins.

For some reason every character is absolutely in love with Asta. It's humorous at times, and it's overused, but he serves as a motivation for the other characters to improve themselves.

The villains are absolute dumpster fire. I don't want to grace them with too many more sentences but they are probably the worst villains I've read in Manga form. So cliche, so 1 dimensional, always blurting out literally the cheesiest most predictable insults at our heroes.

Another thing worth noting is his rivalry with Yuno. By all regards the rivalry is kind of shallow. But I give it some points because at least Yuno doesn't take the often used 'asshole, way better than you, dismissive rival' approach.

In summary, Yami is great, Magic King is great, Noelle is a good tsundere, Luck is fun, etc. Lots of fun characters, puddle deep depth to be found in all of them, though.

Enjoyment: It's a turn off your brain and speed read series. There's some moments that make you think it'll get way better but they're pretty quickly kneecapped. It's kind of offensive to the mind if you start thinking about it too much.
Apr 03, 2021
Black Clover review
First of all Black Clover is one of the series from SHUUKAN SHOUNEN JUMP MAGAZINE from Japan and being published by SHUEISHA which generally this magazine and publisher are popular for publishing alot of SHOUNEN MANGA for these past decades, so ONE PIECE, BLEACH, NARUTO and MY HERO ACADEMIA are also under this publisher soooo its not quite suprise why this manga is a very typical generic shonen manga compare to the big series from shounen jump right? so what with the hate? because the plot and some of the characters are kinda similar with NARUTO? oh I WANT TO BE A PIRATE KING, oh I WANT TO BE A HOKAGE, oh I WANT TO BE A HERO just like ALL MIGHT!! pfftttttt see they all are the same as for me it does not even matter at this point as long as im enjoying the whole series, the artwork is good and somes are quite epic, the plot is slowly progressing more interesting feature, the objective for the comics/manga is to make people entertain when they are reading it, so if you are not enjoy this manga just leave it be. THE ANIME ELITIST WANNABE NERDS thinks their opinion are superior than other people so they can spit at any manga/anime which did not meet their pleasure and act like an asshole(well they are) by saying some shit for this manga.

I WANT TO BE A PIRATE KING! -Luffy, One piece

I WANT TO BE A HOKAGE! -Naruto, Naruto


its just the same shit, just read it and enjoy the manga if you like it, if you didnt just fuck off and leave it be,simple af. THE ANIME ELITIST WANNABE NERDS get a life and stop stay in your parent`s basement.
Apr 03, 2021
Black Clover review
"Naruto rip-off." Is it really? Yes, it is. Definitely. If you only read the first chapter. I'm not going to sit and pretend that the first chapter doesn't seem very similar to Naruto.

Asta and Naruto both are reaching for the top ranking status the Wizard King and Hokage. Asta cannot use magic and Naruto sucks at using chakra. Both are hard workers and are obnoxious. Can I continue now? No, sorry, I can't. That's about all I can think of that would make this a "Naruto rip-off." Mind you, that's all stuff that is contained in Chapter 1.

I've often heard people comment that Yuno is identical to Sasuke. I honestly just have to laugh at that comment. The two are both geniuses and the main character's rivals, but other than that the similarities end. Yuno has a positive look on Asta and considers him a worthy rival. To be honest, I think Asta and Yuno's rivalry is far more unique than what we typically see in shonen.

Now does Black Clover follow a certain shonen formula? Yes, I would say so. There are definitely similarities that can be pulled from My Hero Academia and Naruto as well as other shonen. But those aren't things that typically bother me. I think Black Clover and My Hero Academia have a more fresh feel than people give them credit for.

Now I was begged to not read this series and have been told so many things about how bad it is. But you know what, I finally decided to ignore it. I wanted to see just what this series was all about. There were enough fans of the series that I figured I could get in on it to. Wow, did I love the ride.

I keep an open mind when reading manga or watching anime. The only series I'm probably biased towards is Dragon Ball. But One Piece, Code Geass, Yu Yu Hakasho, and some others were all some series I thought looked horrible but I ended up loving.

Black Clover was a great surprise for me and has risen as one of my favorite series. It hasn't passed Dragon Ball or Naruto. But I do enjoy it more than My Hero Academia and Attack on Titan. I think this series has the potential to be better than Fairy Tail too, if it isn't already.

The story of this, well, story, is good. One thing I hear said about this is that Black Clover has good pacing. Which it does. It doesn't end fights too quickly and yet, the arcs seem to flow in a quicker manner. You feel fairly satisfied after each arc I would say. The current arc is very long, but its to be expected as this is something all the other arcs have led up to. But don't fret, the series won't end for a long time.

The art is great. There are angles that I've seen this artist pull off very well that others can't do. The amount of detail is beautiful and it might be the best shonen jump detail I've seen.

The characters in this series are a big success. I was very pleased with how they were written and have enjoyed many. Usually it's a little easier for me to pinpoint a favorite character in a series, but I can't in this one. There are just too many I love.

All in all, I really enjoyed this series. I would reccomend this to any fan of Naruto, Fairy Tail, Seven Deadly Sins, or even Berserk (latter Berserk, this isn't a dark series). And if you enjoyed Black Clover yourself, you should check out those series too! (Even though I only got into the first season of Seven Deadly Sins).

Thank you for reading!

Overall Rating- 8.8/10
Apr 03, 2021
Black Clover review
After having seen many comments & thoughts on this work, generally gearing towards either of the hype (due to various shounen fandom) or the fact that this manga seemed to have quote "ripped off of the idea of other manga like Naruto", I wanted to add in my comments; in terms of how this manga is presented as a whole in terms of the author's writing rhetoric.

Having read many fantasy literature novels and as well as fantasy & kingdom setting manga, there are many stories out there that are similar to one another even within the kingdom world building setup stories. So it is no surprise to find that in a work such as this there exists magicians in this world, where they are the primary source of power in this setting. So if anything, I have absolutely no qualms in that Black Clover seems to have a similar feel of story in terms of what other people have accused and claimed it to be. If anything, Black Clover could have had the exact same story as Naruto and the others, for all I care. But then that would be over stretching things and the story would essentially become a work of fan fiction. The fact is, kingdom and world building are rather hard to come up with, given the material in all of the other works people have seen. And so rather in terms of the how similar the idea of this story is, I believe that this would have a lot of potential depending on how the author decides to go on about it.

But here then on lies my main problem with this work, in that straight from the beginning the story of this manga was not executed properly. I can only mention so much without spoiling too much of the story, but here goes.

From the first chapter the main characters are introduced, readers are introduced to their disadvantaged lifestyle living in the very outskirts of the kingdom. Everything of the main characters the readers should know at this point in the game are shown, including a random "flashback" of the two's promise - the kind which I believe should have been showed at a very later point in the story, similar to Luffy's childhood past "arc" in the manga One Piece.

Afterwards things happen, and the second chapter introduces the readers of the magic knight exam. And then the third chapter shows Aster's new life in the order. I'm sorry, did I miss something here in that the author had the potential of dragging out the magic knight exam - making it into a possible "magic knight exam arc", but instead decided to short-case or summarize it all in one chapter? There was a small antagonist character introduced which I felt could have been utilized fully in each rounds of the exam; each round of the exam could have been complex & hard if the exam part of the story was properly dragged out; and heck even potential rival characters other than the antagonist and Juno could have been introduced into the story if the exam was practically made into an arc. But instead, everything about this was summarized in just 1 chapter.

So in terms of writing & rhetorics, this is one example of what I mean. And afterwards this manga follows along the same pattern with its later arcs, where given its story content so far it should already have at least 60 chapters or even more. So personally, with this work only having at around 28 chapters says something.

In summary, like I mentioned before in terms of story, this manga had so much potential in dragging out some aspects of the story, but the author essentially ruined himself and his chapters short because he did not utilize his arcs to the best of his ability. Having read Bakuman, I could not help but question what on earth the author's editor and even Jump magazine was and is still currently thinking, since they're not able to point out that some elements of the story could have been dragged out and utilized much better. They probably have at one point, but following the demographics of fans and the audience implies them from further bringing these points to the bitter end. But the hype occurring in a work which cannot execute itself properly is just a matter of my opinion, in that I cannot understand why.

In terms of my official rankings following the schema of this site, they are... (all considered individually and not on an "average" side of things with the overall ranking of score).

Story: 6 / 10
Art: 5 / 10
Character: 8 /10
Enjoyment: 2 /10
Overall: 3 / 10

But other than finding myself criticizing this work due to how badly the author AND Jump presented itself in terms of writing & story telling devices and mechanisms, I found myself quite liking the characters and wondering about the use of magic in this world. Seeing Aster's "tome" made me wonder and refer to another work of a webtoon & theorize on my own. Aster's development in the order (albeit again, rather fast), and characters of the Black Sheep's Crook I came to like - with each having problems of their own and thus needing to solve them sort of thing. Regardless, as long as the author continues to make the bad points of his storytelling very obvious and on point, my judgement on this series will continue to remain on the low side.
Black Clover
Black Clover
Autor Tabata, Yuuki
Künstler --