Sun-Ken Rock

Alternativen: English: Sun-Ken Rock
Synonyms: Trigun: The Lost Plant
Japanese: サンケンロック
Autor: Boichi
Art: Manga
Bände: 25
Kapitel: 181
Status: Finished
Veröffentlichen: 2006-04-24 to 2016-02-22
Serialisierung: Young King


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Alternativen: English: Sun-Ken Rock
Synonyms: Trigun: The Lost Plant
Japanese: サンケンロック
Autor: Boichi
Art: Manga
Bände: 25
Kapitel: 181
Status: Finished
Veröffentlichen: 2006-04-24 to 2016-02-22
Serialisierung: Young King
38 Stimmen
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The story revolves around Ken, a man from an upper-class family that was orphaned young due to his family's involvement with the Yakuza; he became a high school delinquent known for fighting. The only thing that motivates him to take action is through his romantic affections for a classmate, Yumi. After learning she decided to move to Korea to become a police officer, Ken leaves his life in Japan behind and tries to follow in Yumi's footsteps; due to unforeseen circumstances, he incidentally becomes the head of a local gang and tries to hide it from Yumi. As the leader, the gang is renamed the Sun-Ken Rock Group.

(Source: Wikipedia)

Included one-shot:
Volume 12: Trigun: The Lost Plant
Bewertungen (38)
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Sun-Ken Rock review
Apr 02, 2021
If you want to avoid that extensive reflection and want a direct assessment, go directly to the end.

Beforehand, I apologize if I had any writting mistakes since I'm not an english native speaker. More than a review this is en extensive thought about the review community and for those that calify that manga as bad.

I have a very big problem about the most of the "bad"reviews that i've read of this manga. Said problem is that I've realized that most people who try to make critic reviews fall in the desesperate research of profundity and depth.
First of all you must try to understand what the work try to show and tell. Obviously if you search a meaningful manga this isn't the one you are looking for. The ideas that try to share aren't that profund and revealing, some reflexions are good but that's not the whole point of the manga, and saying that is bad for this reason is absurd.
The manga don't search to offer a deep history. The characters, despise the fact that are archetypes and don't have big revelations that makes them evolve like human beings, still are solid and well-written following their archetypes.
And what I said could be considered badly, but you have to understand that the manga don't want to have a meaningful story or profund characters and don't even try it. The purpose of the manga is enjoyment, and seeing a strong badass character being more badas makes this manga totally enjoyable and even funny in the comic sections.
And criticising that is sexist and is consumed by fanservirce is, for the first part worng, and for the second part right. Is not sexist because the fanservice that contains the manga. The fanservice affects both genres, it has fanservice for people interested in females and people interested in males. And some of the girls that appear are strong and also badass like the other male protagonists.
The manga in itself works perfectly, in fact, considering the overall manga is very good for the fact that the confluence of all the aspects in wich is composed work together to the same purpose. The art is fucking amazing and works perfectly with the most badass character that I've seen in a lot of time creating pages that are outstanding. The story is interesting for the merely fact that you want to see the protagonist beat the hell out of his enemies and it has the tools that lead to that way.
I won't make a full review of all aspects because I don't want to, of course is not perfect and like every other artistic works has problems and bad things. But i just want to make a reflexion about what way the criticism is taking lately. It seems that people see a manga or anime with a good puntuation and they have the necessity of being against the majority and try to criticise for their own ego, and that results in bad reviews that don't speak the true of the product. People that say a show is bad because isn't profund and don't talk about serious and adult, maybe philosofical themes, are the ones that when a show SEEMS to show that themes or concepts, praise that show despise the fact that maybe is written with the ass. But at least you can say that this show in question is deep and adult.

Finally I will make a trustworthy review of this manga:
- If you search an intelectual/depp/profund/adult/serious and similar manga, don't even try to read it.
- If you search a manga that isn't defined by any of what is said before BUT that is totally enjoyable and memorable, don't hesiate
Sun-Ken Rock review
Apr 02, 2021
I have to say the personally this is one of my favourite manga's that I have read although sometimes I think they go over the top with ecchi.

Story: 7/10
I would not say that it had the best story but it certainly provides and entertaining story. its about a girl who goes to Korea to become a cop and Ken who is a delinquent who follows her which I find a little bit weird but who cares. During his time in Korea ken becomes a boss of a gang I found this to be funny but serious a lot of the times. I could talk about the story a lot more but I might ruin some things so i will stop their.

Art: 9/10
I simply love the art and think its amazing some of the best art I have ever scene from a manga. I think the art really sucks you in and helps the story story, such as when fight scenes come up the art for me just seemed perfect I found the fight brilliantly drawn for me it was the best art I have scene during fights and of course the art when they are not in fights is just as good. Just take a look now read some of it and you will see what I mean by the art being amazing. A bit too much ecchi for my liking but never the less I love the manga.

Character: 8/10
I loved all the characters I don't think their is a main Character that I disliked Kens just a total badass and overall good guy he is funny a lot of the time and makes me laugh many times though the manga but when the time comes for him to be a total badass he delivers. Kae-Lin Kim who is the hot weapons specialist and Park Tae-Soo who is the mastermind of the organisation and is kens right hand man. I like many other characters and find them really entertaining. Ow and especially Pickaxe he is hilarious.

Enjoyment: 9/10
I loved this manga and cant wait for the new chapters coming out just love to see the crazy looking Characters they bring out and pickaxes face lol. Their is a big fight going on so I read the new chapters as soon as them are coming out each one just leaves me wanting more. This is one of my favourite manga's and I thoroughly enjoyed this manga and look forward to enjoying more.

overall: 9/10
I would recommend this series to anyone who loves action, fight scenes and badass Characters but even if you don'd participially like them things give it a try you never know you might like it. Overall I found it enjoyable and would definitely say that this manga is a must read it is funny,amazing action, pretty good story and overall has a lot of them badass moments.

Sun-Ken Rock review
Apr 02, 2021
tl;dr: A really solid manga with great pacing and an art style that works really well, but that has an unfathomably terrible ending. 

This manga's best aspect is that it is incredibly well paced. In general it feels like the flow to the manga has three parts intermixed. The first is just comedic small stories, featuring the various characters doing random things, generally involving mafia related subjects with some character development maybe, but not much in terms of overarching plot lines. The second is the buildup portion. Here, some sort of conflict is developed in terms of providing background behind why it's occurring and establishing a motivational basis behind why Ken and the gang are fighting. This buildup leads to a long climax portion where major fights go down, back to back, and Ken comes out victorious and advances along with his gang to a new stage. These three aspects are for the most part paced incredibly well, where the story just continues to flow well, never feeling like it's getting dull or dragging on, and thus keeping the reader enthralled throughout. There are three main reasons for that, the first being that there are a lot of amusing characters with many being quite likable. Ken gets some solid character growth throughout and comes out looking very much a boss constantly. The other characters don't really grow much, but they're have pretty well defined and distinct characters that work well. The bonds developed between them though are developed especially well, both for the gang and between Ken and Yumi. There is somewhat of an issue though, in that most side characters outside the gang and Yumi just sort of disappear after the arc they're focused on, which felt like somewhat of a waste. The second reason the pacing is so great is that the comedy is really solid and pretty varied throughout, which keeps it entertaining on a smaller scale. And the last reason is that the art works incredibly well and is often enjoyable in its own right. The art is very different from most manga, but it works really well. It's rough, but it has a lot of personality to it such that it works well with the gritty atmosphere, both in terms of the violence and ero, both of which are quite gratuitous and add quite a bit to the series. Unfortunately, there is problems with the final arc and how it ends. When the final arc, going up against the White Dragon Clan begins, it gets really messy and drags on too long in terms of buildup with things going on behind the scenes and focusing on new unimportant characters that ultimately don't have much of an impact and aren't made especially likable. That isn't much of an issue however, as when that arc reaches its climax, it's incredible. The culmination of the relationship with Yumin, everyone fighting against the various members of the clan, things escalating tremendously, things finally coming to a close, it's all incredible. The problem, is that even though at this point it feels like it's been set up to end in a pretty satisfying manner that provides adequate closure, it then randomly has one final random twist that then ends up pushing it towards what may well be one of the worst endings I have ever seen in a manga, one that's pointlessly long, doesn't make any sense in terms of plot threads, character personalities and relationships, and isn't entertaining at all, an absolutely horrible fumble of what could have been a really solid ending. It's an ending that leaves me with an incredibly bad taste in my mouth regarding the entire thing. Still, the journey from beginning through to right before the ending was quite incredible so I'd say it's still worth a read. The side stories were amusing too. 
Sun-Ken Rock review
Apr 02, 2021
This is my first review, so apologies for incoherentness or other issues.

Sun Ken Rock is a manga which I came across by chance without really knowing what to expect. In the end it was better than what I expected.

The story is about a Japanese high school student named Ken who falls in love with a Korean girl called Yumin and when she leaves to Korea in order to become a police officer he decides to follow her and become a policeman like her. However, being a Japanese high schooler means it is not that easy to find yourself a job so he ends up being a shut in in Korea for a year until one day he saves an old man after his food cart gets destroyed by some mafia hitmen and finds himself recruited and turned into the boss of a Korean mafia group. So we follow the adventures of Ken as a mafia boss as his organisation rises in power while at the same time trying to woo Yumin without her knowing he's part of a gang.

This manga is far from over but from what i have read so far all i can say is that it is amazing. Even though the plot is not the most original thing ever it is very engaging and addictive and this is due to several factors.

The first one being the art, this is probably the best drawn manga i have ever read, there is so much detail and it looks so realistic. You can clearly see the author put a lot of effort and did a lot of research regarding locations and fighting movements, in fact at the end of some chapters you get additional information on how they drew a specific scene. The fights are incredible well drawn and are very engaging, the shots of Seoul are incredible well done hell even the food is drawn with an incredible amount of detail. In several ocasions I have found myself hungry because of that.

Another factor is the plot, even though is not original it is still very addictive, the love story while not the main focus is also engaging enough and there are great comedic moments within it. Also, if you really look into it its got more depth than what you would expect.

The last factor is the characters, especially the main character. I find him incredibly likeable and charismatic on top of that he is a badass by being an extremely skilled fighter, humble even though he has found himsellf in world where he can earn an awful amount of money he still sticks to his ideals and smarter than what others are willing to give him credit for. The rest of cast, Yumin is likeable enough, his gang is both badass and hilarious With Tae Seo being a particular standout, he is the schemer and arguably the second boss of the gang.

Now even though i have been praising it so far the manga suffers from in my opinion a very big problem which is, it is way too ecchi. I don't mind fanservice I understand why it exists, nevertheless in here they go way too far in several ocassions and it gets in the way of the story far too much. In fact one of the chapters has one of the grossest attempts at fanservice i have ever seen, featuring a barbecue, that is all i am going to say but it is disgusting. In addition, this over the top fanservice reduces almost all the female cast to mindless sex objects that just attempt to get into Ken's pants, with the exception of Yumin who has a bit more of personality and a backstory but still gets her clothes torn quite often too. I think this is a pity it could be so good but it gets brought down due to the fanservice. I think the manga could gain a lot with a bit less fanservice and better female characters, since this also ruins potentially cool female characters such as Tae-Lyn one of Ken's gang members, she is one of the strongest members, however when she is not fighting she is only acting like a sex object whose only goal is to get into Ken's pants and wear as like clothing as possible.

To conclude, despite the excessive fanservice it is a very enjoyable manga that has got me hooked and that more people should check out if they are looking for good fights, a bit of romance and a badass lead. I think almost everybody can find something they might like in here.